Requested translations

Good Morning Listers;

My great grand father came to the United States from Hannover in 1872. We have no detailed information about the family that he left in Europe. Recently, we discovered two German language documents that may relate to him. Unfortunately, none of us speak German. I am writing to ask if anyone on this list would be willing to translate those two small documents (a postcard and a short note). I have posted the documents on the following website.

Thank you for your assistance.


Hi Gary,

I'll try to translate. I can tell you right now that the first is a post
card with greetings and the second is a recipe for preserving cucumbers.
I'll get back tio you later.

Hi Gary,
here are the documents in German and English. There are a few words which I
could not decifer at once, but perhaps this helps for the moment.

Card from Diepholz

26 June 1910

Lieber Onkel und TAnte!
Wir vier senden Euch hier durch herzl. Gruesse. Wir sind alle gesund und
munter welches wir von euch auch hoffen. Hier ist schlechtes Wetter. Wir
sind am Heuen hier. Last mal recht bald was von Euch h�ren Herzl Gruesse von
Mutti und Bruder. Anna HArtlage.

Dear Uncle and Aunt
We four are sending you our best greetings. All of us are healthy and well
which we hope is also true with you. The weather is bad here. We are making
hay. Please write back soon. Greetngs from Mother and Brother Anna Hartlage


Sweet cucumbers

Von mittlerer Gr��e sch�lt man schneidet sie der L�nge nach mitten
auseinander. Kocht ... sie in Essig... trocknet sie mit einem tuche, spickt
sie mit Zimmt und Nelken, schichtet sie in Gl�sern und �bersch�ttet sie mit
aufgekochten und wieder erkaltetem und ....Zucker. auf jedes pfund
Gurken1... Essig und 1/2 pfund zucker

peel middle sized ones and cut them in the middle lenghthwise and cook them
in vinegar, dry them with a cloth,
Eingemachte gr�ne tomaten lard them with cinemon and cloves. put them into
glasses in layers and pour over it
boiled and later cooled down mixture. one pound (500g) of cucumbers ...
vinegar and 1/2 ound of sugar
(I'll try to come up with the words in ... later. The recipe is not written
in complete sentences, more like someone noted it down for his/her own use
only. I would guess it was written in the US as the next recipe mentiones
"Unze " = ounces)

Preserving of green tomatoes

Zwei... mit gr�nen Tomaten und 6 Zwiebeln werden in Scheiben geschnitten,
mit salz bestreut. und �ber Nacht stehen gelassen. am n�chsten Morgen legt
man sie immer topf u ... schichtenweise mit den folgenden Gew�rzen:
2 ganzen schwarzen Pfeffer 1/2 unze heile Nelken 1/2 Senfmehl 1/2 unze all
man �bergie�t das ganze mit scharfem Essig l��t 1/2 Stunde langsam kochen
und bringt ... Einmachgl�sern

slice two ... of green tomatoes and 6 onions , sprinkle with salt and set
aside over night.
next morning put them into a pot (glas??) in layers with 2 whole black
pepper corns, !/2 ounce of whole cloves, 1/2 ounce of mustard meal and 1/2
once of ..., pour over it vinegar at let it simmer for 1/2 hour, put into

I am not sure of all the words, perhaps there is someone els who can come up
with the rest of the words.

I grew up not too far from Diepholz and my parents used to make cucumbers
like that whereas the tomato recipe might be an invention that originated in
the States.

Hope this has helped some!.

Good Afternoon Listers;

Genealogists are such giving people! You were fantastic in your response to my request to translate the postcard and recipe. Twenty of you contributed to that translation effort. As a result of your help, we now know that in 1910 my great grandfather had a brother, niece and two nephews living in Diepholz. We also know that several individuals with the appropriate family names currently live in Diepholz. There are a number of other interesting clues as well.

Thank you for your kindness.


Hello Gary,
you said your ancestor in Diepholz are catholics. In this case I think this
family came from the Oldenburger-M�nsterland. Damme, Steinfeld and Lohne
have some Niehaus too.
There are two Niehaus researcher on the Oldenburg list, maybe they have more
information. I send a copy to this addresses.
Good luck.

Hi Gary,

in a book I found the following paragraph:

In einem Buch fand ich einen Auszug aus dem Jahre 1860:

"Der auswanderungslustige P�tker( damals 16Jahre alt), dessen Vater ein ganz
unbemittelter Neubauer, wird auf Einladung der in Holland, im Staate Indiana
, wohnenden verheirateten Kinder des Colon L�bbert zu H�sede , eines
Nachbarn von P�tker, nach dem Ort Holland als k�nftiger Dienstbote in der
L�bbert-Niehausschen Farm auswandern, wenn ihm der Konsens zuteil wird, und
hat jetzt an dem 36 j�hrigen M�ller aus Nellinghof, Amt Damme , dessen
Schwager M�llenkamp, ein Nachbar der L�bbertschen Kinder in Holland sein
soll, und zu dem M�ller sich zu begeben beabsichtigt - einen guten

The rough translation would be:
That a young boy (16) named Poetker asked to be allowed to leave Germany to
go to Holland , Indiana to work on a farm owned by Luebbert- Niehaus
(perhaps the names of the husband and wife of the farm?) and that he would
be accompanied by a man called Moeller, who also wanted to go to that area
because relatives by the name of Moellenkamp lived next to that farm.

Has anyone heard those names before or is there a researcher of that part of
I myself could offer some details about that Poetker boy.

Meine Frage:
Hat jemand N�heres zu deser L�bber- Niehausschen Farm?
Weiss jemand etwas �ber M�ller, Nellinghaus?
Forscht sonst jemand in dieser Gegend Indianas?

Ich selbst habe einiges �ber P�tker, falls Interesse besteht .

Hallo Werner Honkamp,
Du erw�hnst 2 Niehaus Forscher in der Oldenburger Liste.
K�nntest du evtl meine Mail auch an sie weiterleiten?



Regarding Pötker: I searched the 1880 United States census index


for families in Indiana. The index lists only one family named Poetker,
and two named Potker. All are in the Pike County, Indiana, which is
adjacent to Dubois county where Holland is located. ( There is a map of
Indiana counties at

404 Not Found).

Here are the listing for the heads of those families:

Name,Relation, Marital Status,
Gender,Race,Age,Birthplace,Occupation,Father's Birthplace,Mother's
   Henry POTKER,Self,M, Male, W,29,HANOVER,Farmer,HANOVER,HANOVER -
Lockhart, Pike, Indiana
   Wm. F. POTKER, Self,M,Male,W,65 ,PRUS ,Labor,PRUS,PRUS - Stendal,
Pike, Indiana
Fredrick H. POETKER,Self,M,Male,W ,35 ,PRUS ,Dry Good Merchant,PRUS
,PRUS - Stendal, Pike, Indiana

Frederick is about the right age for the young boy you describe.

The index also shows two families named Luebbert, both in Cass, Dubois
County, Indiana, which is a few kilometers from Holland.

Catherine LUEBBERT ,Wife(of Henry Klausmeyer),M,Female,W,35,HAN,Keeps
LUEBBERT (No first name listed), Self,M , W , 51 ,HAN , Farmer, HAN ,
HANOVER (wife's name is Anna).

I apologize for not responding in German as well.

Erika Giftge wrote:

Hello Werner;

Thank you for forwarding my request to the Niehaus researchers on the Oldenburg list. I will expand my research into that region.

I must have miscommunicated some of my information. Census and gazetter data in the United States indicate that Carl (Charles) H.F. Niehaus and his wife Emma were Lutherans.

Again, thank you for your help.


Found something of interest in the Sunday St. Louis MO paper, don't know if Niehaus and Nienhaus are the same family or not. I seem to remember someone mentioning this area in this thread of the Niehaus family.

"Three generations of the Nienhaus family pose at Engine House No.2 in downtown St. Louis. Kenneth, 71, retired after 22 years of service. His son, Steven M., 46(left) is a captain at Engine House No. 34. His grandson, Steven J., 28 (right) joined the department in 1997. Kenneth Nienhaus also has three other sons, a son-in-law and a nephew who have become firefighters."

This was the caption under a photo of the three and an article about family traditions of working in fire and law in St. Louis. If any one would like a copy of this photo and article I would scan and send it.


The NIEHAUS name in my family is plattdeutsch or low (northern ) German,
meaning <New House>. The name was spelled the same, back at least to 1720
in Neuenkirchen, Amt Damme, Oldenburg.
I have seen NIENHAUS in my research in the German States, but never in the
Niehaus clan.


We have neighbors who spell it Neuhaus. They own a roofing company.


Thank you for the offer to provide a copy of the Nienhaus article from the St. Louis paper. Unfortunately for me, those folks are not relatives. Like Bob's, my Niehaus clan retained the original German spelling of the surname when they arrived in the US.




It appears that the Kasameyer's will provide you with much more valuable assistance then I will. I have found 2 Niehaus threads originating in Indiana. I sent your information to both and have received the first response:

'Hi Gary: Nice to talk with another Niehaus researcher. My Niehaus line is from Riesenbeck, Westphalia. This is about 50 miles south of your family in Diepholz, Hannover, I think. I have been told that the Niehaus name is very strong in that north central area of Germany. My great grandfather and grandmother emigrated in 1885 directly to Indianapolis. The names you listed in your email are not in my line. The only one that sounds familiar is Moellenkamp because of the family of the rock musician, John Moellenkamp. He is from southern Indiana and might be in the line that the message refers to as being in Holland, Indiana. But, of course, why do we care . Might be interesting if he was a distant relative!

But back to the Niehaus line - My Josef Niehues married Anna Maria Beerman in 1847 in Emsdetten, a few miles from Riesenbeck. They had three sons, Bernard and Josef came to the U. S. , 1880-1886, and Heinrich stayed in Germany. Just like you I would like to find more of my roots in Germany. Let me know if you have any idea that we may have any connections. Good luck in your research. Nancy'


Last week I noticed a number of messages about the Niehaus Family.
Hop�fully would like to find some of my relatives. I�m Fr. Maurus
Hawickhorst, originally from Teutopolis, Illinois but working and living in
Brazil on the Amazon for the last 40 years. My gg grandparents were a Anna
Mary Elizabeth Niehaus, 1819 - 1890, and Clemens Uptmoor, 1806 - 1893. He
was born in Lohne, Oldenburg and I only know she was born in Germany,
probably Lohne. Her parents, my ggg grandparents were Joseph Clemens
Niehaus, 1787 - 1855, Bokel, Oldenberg, and Anna Maria Buckeole,1792 - 1867.
All four of these ancestors died in Teutopolis, Illinois. I�m from
Teutopolis and I knew a John Joseph Niehaus, 1885 - 1961, and Joseph
Ferdinand Niehaus, 1891 - ?. I�ll send along the other Niehaus�s who are
members of our Tree but we only distantly related, third or fourth cousins.
I would be most interested in hearing from someone who recognizes any of
these names and would like to trade information.
Name Birth date Birth location Death date Death location Spouse
Niehaus, Anna Mary Elizabeth 23 agosto 1819 Germany 10 julho 1890
Teutopolis, Il Uptmoor, Clemens (Clement)
Niehaus, Elke 20 dezembro 1968
Niehaus, Helga 20 maio 1965 Boske, Thomas
Niehaus, Johan Diederick 9 junho 1835 14 junho 1836
Niehaus, Johan Gerd 2 abril 1822 Bokel, Oldenburg
Niehaus, Johan HenrichJoseph 29 outubro 1820 14 abril 1873 M�ller, Marie
Niehaus, Johann Gerhard Ruewe, Anna Catharina
Niehaus, John Joseph 7 abril 1885 8 mar�o 1961
Niehaus, Joseph 5 outubro 1854 24 agosto 1917 Hattrup, Catharina
Niehaus, Joseph Clemens 29 janeiro 1787 Bokel, Oldenburg 24 outubro 1855
Teutopolis , Ill. Buckeole, Anna Maria Elisabeth (Bukede)
Niehaus, Joseph Ferdinand 15 abril 1891
Niehaus, Julius 20 outubro 1923 Menke-Tobr�gel, Josefa
Niehaus, Katharina Elis 8 janeiro 1780 Vestrup 19 dezembro 1851 Vestrup
Hawickhorst, Clemens
Niehaus, Maria Anna 17 junho 1824 Bokel, Oldenburg
Niehaus, Maria Carolina 22 abril 1832 17 fevereiro 1895 Teutopolis, Ill
Schleper, Frank H.
Niehaus, Maria Engel 11 maio 1838 6 junho 1838
Niehaus, Maria Gertrude 26 agosto 1826 9 fevereiro 1901 Effingham, Ill
Hoffmann, Frank Anton
Niehaus, Marianne 7 abril 1957 Seiler, Gerold
Niehaus, Mary Josephine 6 fevereiro 1829 Bokel, Oldenburg
Niehaus, Ursula 27 abril 1955 Marx, Werner
Fr. Maurie

Hello Father Hawickhorst,
      I looked up Clemens Uptmoor on the LDS (Mormon) website: and he was listed there. It lists his parents, but
that is all. But I believe the birthdate is different. It may not be the
right person. The LDS do have microfilm copies of the Lohne records. There
are LDS Family History Centers in Brazil, but you'd have to look up the
locations on the same website mentioned above to see if there is one near
you. You can order film there and view the film there. Don't worry, you need
not be Mormon to use their facilities. I'm a Catholic and use their
resources all the time.
     Of course, it would be quicker to find all your ancestors from a
distant relative somewhere. I hope it happens!
Good luck,
Barbara Stewart

    Go to and enter the name Uptmoor into
the surname place below Search Family Trees. You will find 7 entries there.
The father of your Clemens is there, along with the siblings, etc. Check
on each name listed: there are a couple different family trees. That may
give you a little more information that you have now. I hope so.

Fr. Mauro,

Thank you for your e-mail query on our NIEHAUS famil. My Niehaus ancestors
were all from Neuenkirchen, Damme, Oldenburg with Johann Simon Niehaus (b
abt 1720) and his wife Maria Elisabeth Ketheler the oldest direct ancestors
I have found.

My g grandfather Heinrich Niehaus (1845-1895) emigrated to the U.S. and
Cincinnati in Nov. 1865, with his descendants remaining there until my
generation married.
I find no common names in my family that match yours with birth dates, etc.
We have had this e-mail exchange before with the same no-match results.
God Bless,
