Regarding Pötker: I searched the 1880 United States census index
for families in Indiana. The index lists only one family named Poetker,
and two named Potker. All are in the Pike County, Indiana, which is
adjacent to Dubois county where Holland is located. ( There is a map of
Indiana counties at
404 Not Found).
Here are the listing for the heads of those families:
Name,Relation, Marital Status,
Gender,Race,Age,Birthplace,Occupation,Father's Birthplace,Mother's
Lockhart, Pike, Indiana
Wm. F. POTKER, Self,M,Male,W,65 ,PRUS ,Labor,PRUS,PRUS - Stendal,
Pike, Indiana
Fredrick H. POETKER,Self,M,Male,W ,35 ,PRUS ,Dry Good Merchant,PRUS
,PRUS - Stendal, Pike, Indiana
Frederick is about the right age for the young boy you describe.
The index also shows two families named Luebbert, both in Cass, Dubois
County, Indiana, which is a few kilometers from Holland.
Catherine LUEBBERT ,Wife(of Henry Klausmeyer),M,Female,W,35,HAN,Keeps
LUEBBERT (No first name listed), Self,M , W , 51 ,HAN , Farmer, HAN ,
HANOVER (wife's name is Anna).
I apologize for not responding in German as well.
Erika Giftge wrote: