Request for Winkelmann/Behne family information

       I'm trying to locate any information on my wife's ancestors from the village of Croya Gifhorn Niedersachsen .
Her name was Catherine Marie Dorothee Winkelmann born 23.1.1834 She married Heinrich Christoph Carsten Behne in Croya date and place unknown.
She was the daughter of Johann Heinrich Winkelmann and wife Marie Dorothee (Jürgens) Winkelmann.
Their birth places, and dates of birth, marriage, and death are unknown.
Heinrich Christoph Carsten Behne was born in Wiswedel on 20.9.1824 . He was the son of Anne Marie (Klopp) Behne. Father's name unknown.
Any help connecting the dots on these family members would be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                              Kindest Regards,
                                                                                                                        Richard L. Schindall

Hello Richard,
      You could find a number of those names in the various towns around
Steimke and Brome. If you live anywhere near a LDS center you could find
many of them in the towns around the area of Croya. The LDS has the records
listed here:

Steimke Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1808-1874
Authors Evangelische Kirche Steimke (Kr. Salzwedel) (Main Author)
Notes Parish register transcripts of baptisms, marriages and deaths for
Steimke, Sachsen, Preußen, Germany. Includes Brome, Cunrau, Germenau,
Fahrstedt, Bökevitz, Nettgau, and Wendisch Brome.

Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1855-1874
Authors Evangelische Kirche Brome (Kr. Isenhagen) (Main Author)
Notes Parish register transcripts of baptisms, marriages and deaths for
Brome, Hannover, Germany parish. Includes Nettgau, and Wendischbrome,
Sachsen, Preußen, Germany.
   I have a very detailed German Auto Atlas which shows even the smallest of
towns in Germany.

   Also, I found the surnames you are looking for in the German Telephone
Book. You could call or write them to see if they know of any of your
ancestors in that area.

  This is tedious work, but for many of us, that is the only way we have
found our ancestors.


Thanks Barbara, but I've visited our local LDS center and they were unable to find any records in their files for Croya and were unsure what EVLutheran parish would hold the family records of birth ,marriage,& death dates. I'll take your message back to them and see if they can locate the items you list. Again many thanks for your assistance............................................Richard Schindall

Hello Richard,

     I should have told you that there is no church at Croya. It is a tiny
  little town, but the atlas I have shows the churches of other small towns

    Also, Parsau which is very near Creya has 2 churches on the map, but the
LDS lists only this:
   Civil register transcripts of births, marriages, deaths and indexes for
Parsau, Braunschweig, Germany. However, that could be helpful as well.

   If you still can't what you need, you can always do Google searches for
the name of the town and Kirche. I'll be glad to look up anything else for

   Here's the address for the Telephone Book:
   Some of the surnames you mentioned are in the phone book with the various
  Happy hunting,


Thanks Barbara, but I've visited our local LDS center and they were unable