Request for help--Thank You!

Dear Listmembers,

I have had several people from the list graciously
offer to help with the baptismal entry of my
Great-great grandfather. Thank you very much for your
consideration. Rather than abuse such generosity by
having each duplicate the efforts of others, I am
working with the first person who contacted me. If he
is unable to help, I will seek the assistance of
others who have responded.

Thank you all very much,


Liebe Listies,

in der Einb�rgerungsrolle von Paderborn ( Band 2, 1677 bis 1738 ) fand ich
folgenden Eintrag:

Risskaup, Albertus und Marg. Hagemeyers vom Lakehof bei Willebadesen,

Wer kann mir Hinweise geben �ber den Lakehof? Lage? Namensdeutung?
F�r alle Hinweise, Nennung von Literatur oder sonstiges danke im Voraus.

Helmut (Wewer)

3 km s�dlich von Willebadessen gibt (gab?) es den Hof Laake.
Gru�, Heiner Becker