Hello Group
I am researching my ggrandfather Whilhelm Frederick WODRICH dob 12/20/1850.
His father was Whilhelm WODRICH and his mother Caroline SCHLACH (not of this
spelling). They were married in Germany. He had at least one brother
There was a picture of him in a military uniform on a horse. He was wearing
a metal helmut with a feather plume or hair plume on top. My mother and
aunts say he was a general. I believe he was a least an officer. He
immigrated to the US in 1883 so that would make him in his late twenties or
very early thirtees when the picture was taken. I know nothing of german
military of that time frame. Was rank obtained through social status, up
through the ranks, field commisions, military schools? He seemed to have
some money when he got to the US as he built a couple of modest houses.
I believe he was from the area near Neubrandenburg and Demmin.
Other surnames I am researching Christ HACHER dob 1828, Caroline Marie
WAGNER (his wife) dob 1828. Frederick DETTMAN dob 1832 Fredericke HACKER
(his wife) dob 1832, sister of Christ Hacker.
Other surnames HUHR,LEMBKE,LAMPKE, REDENIUS,NILICK (not sure of this
Thanks for any help.
Tom Bemis
Dear Tom, You can learn a lot from a picture. Many of the Duchies, Kingdoms,
etc. that made up Germany had distinctive helmet plates. You should be able to
determine rank by the picture also. If it is possible to e-mail me a photo of
the picture I will try to help you out. William Thiemann.
Tom Bemis wrote: