Refugee ships 1945

Hi Adalbert

Can you tell me from where these WW II Refugee Ships originated.
Some of my family died in The Baltic Sea.

No, I dont know where they "originated".
Maybe Mrs. Weber knows (see her website).

Ich weiß mit Sicherheit, daß die ''General Steuben'' von Pillau auslief.
Leider sind meine Schwester und Nichte nach der Torpedierung auch ertrunken.


Hi Adalbert

Can you tell me from where these WW II Refugee Ships originated.
Some of my family died in The Baltic Sea.

Oops Katharina,
should have done this in English. I know for sure that the "General Steuben"
left from the port of Pillau. Unfortunately did my sister and niece become
victims in that tragedy.


Hi Adalbert

Can you tell me from where these WW II Refugee Ships originated.
Some of my family died in The Baltic Sea.

Is there a passenger manifest of these lost ships or would that
be too much to ask for considering the circumstances of the
events going on.

Robert Lipprandt
Researching: Kletellen, Kreis Niederung, Ost Preussen (before 1938),
Aerofliess, Kreis Tilsit, Ost Preussen (before 1938), RUDAU,

Is there a passenger manifest of these lost ships or would that

Adalbert Goertz responds >>>>>>>>>>>>

What is a passenger manifest?

Not that I have ever heard about a passenger manifest (Passagierliste) for
any of those refugee ships. The mood was: "Rette sich wer kann", save
if you can. Even the maximum capacity was not a concern. I would never have
found out about the fate of my sister, if there would not have been some


Is there a passenger manifest of these lost ships or would that
be too much to ask for considering the circumstances of the
events going on.

Robert Lipprandt
Researching: Kletellen, Kreis Niederung, Ost Preussen (before 1938),
Aerofliess, Kreis Tilsit, Ost Preussen (before 1938), RUDAU,

Passenger Manifest is the list of all the passengers, together with the captain's sworn statement that this list is correct, quite often also the surgeon's sworn statement. These lists were delivered to the customs people at arrival of the ship. If a ship went from Hamburg to New York, the beginning of the manifest says that this ship .... (name of ship) from Hamburg, to New York. These manifests can be copied at various places, NARA (National Archives Records Administration) has them, LDS, some libraries, etc. But the copies that are in the US/Canada, of course come from the ship's arrival. I am not sure if the agencies have lists of passengers when they left. If not, no manifests would be available. I know that lists are being transcribed in Hamburg and Bremen, these must be from when the ships left. It might be worthwhile checking to see if there are lists available from other ports.
Hope this helps someone,

Passenger lists exist in peace times. For the refugee ships there
was no time for this. Speed was of essence.