Re: usefull information Part 2 - 2. Teil

Hallo, hatte den ersten Teil schon vorausgeschickt,
der naechste folgt nach. Vielleicht kann es jemand gebrauchen.
John (Kam durch eine meiner Mailing Listen)

Here is #2

(Pages also include other German locations. See Pfalz locations at Pt. 3)

Landeskirchliches Archiv
Veilhofstr. 28
90489 N�rnberg

This archive is the principal repository of the Protestant church of Bavaria.
The records come from church offices, and there are references to America
regarding Auswandererseelsorge (the spiritual care of emigrants). Documents
on material aid to emigrants to North America from 1875 until 1919 may be
found in Bestand: Oberkonsistorium M�nchen. There also is information on the
activities of the Auswanderer-Missionen (emigration missions) of Bremen and
Hamburg. In addition, the parish archive contains reports on emigrants to
America, particularly in the Pfarrbeschreibungen (parish descriptions) that
are preserved for all vicarages for 1833, 1864, and 1914.

---Staatsarchiv N�rnberg
Archivstr. 17
90408 N�rnberg

The state archive in N�rnberg holds records with references to U.S. and
Canadian history, including:

The papers of businessman Georg Kalb (d. 1967) contains collected writings,
pictures, and notes from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries on General
Johann von Kalb (b. H�ttendorf, June 29, 1721), who was killed in the battle
of Camden, S.C., August 19, 1780 (Rep. 499, Manuskripte, Stoffsammlungen und
Nachl�sse, Nr. 319/1-20, Nachla� Kalb).
The Marsch-Routen-B�chlein by Georg Adam Stang. Stang, who was from Bayreuth,
served as a soldier in the Ansbach-Bayreuth troops during the Revolutionary
War (Archivaliensammlung des Historischen Vereins f�r Mittelfranken, Depot,
Ms. hist. Nr. 482); the diary of an unknown soldier from the Ansbach-Bayreuth
troops in North America (ibid., Nr. 485; also contains two maps); records
from the archives of the Margrave of Ansbach on various clemency cases for
the Ansbach-Bayreuth troops, 1779-1884 (ibid., Nr. 487).
Material regarding emigrants from Mittelfranken between 1810 and 1930
includes a card index with names, status, place of residence, and
destination; also included is a register of names of emigrants announced in
the Kreis-Amtsblatt f�r Mittelfranken from 1837 to 1874.
Transcripts of the N�rnberg Military Tribunal trials of 1945-6 and the twelve
successive trials by U.S. military courts, 1947-9. These records are arranged
into three groups: KV-Prozesse (Rep. 501; Sitzungsprotokolle,
Dokumentenb�cher, Material zu einzelnen Angeklagten, Pl�doyers); KV-Anklage
(Rep. 502; von der Anklagebeh�rde zusammengestelltes Schriftgut, Dokumente,
Verh�rprotokolle); and KV-Verteidigung (Rep. 502A, Handakten einzelner
Rechtsanw�lte, eidesstattliche Erkl�rungen). All are available in name and
subject indices.
Records of the American Military Government in Bavaria (OMGBAY), 1945-9,
government district of Mittelfranken (on microfiche).

---Bisch�fliches Zentralarchiv Regensburg
St. Petersweg 11-13
93047 Regensburg
Postfach 11 02 28
93015 Regensburg

The Catholic Church's archive at the diocese of Regensburg contains only a
few specific records related to the United States and Canada, including the
holdings of the Dominikanerinnenkloster Heiligkreuz (Dominican Cloister of
the Holy Cross) in Regensburg, 1853-96, with references to its subsidiary in
Williamsburg, Va. (Sign.: BZAR, Kl 114, Nr. 31), and records regarding
members of Benedictine monasteries in Northern America who came from the
diocese of Regensburg (Zeugnisse f�r Kandidaten nordamerikanischer
Benediktinerkl�ster, die aus dem Bistum Regensburg stammen, 1870-90; Sign.
BZAR Kl 14, Nr. 20).
Also of interest are the numerous church records of Catholic parishes in
Eastern and Western Prussia, dating from approximately 1650 to 1850.

---Stadtarchiv Regensburg
Keplerstr. 1
93047 Regensburg

The city archive of Regensburg contains records of early nineteenth-century
emigration to the United States, but not to Canada.
Records of the former city administration include information on emigration
and immigration, such as general settlements on emigration and the export of
property, 1817-74; emigration to America, 1832-1905; emigration in general,
1826-44; emigration agencies, 1845-1904; and quarterly reports on emigration
and immigration, 1810-19 (Bestand Zentralregistratur I [Sign. 681-696]).