Re: Surname KROHN?

We are also searching the Krohn surname. Our connection is in 1821 in
Germany around Allerstorf & Plennin. Does the name Marie Dorothee
Friederike KROHN born 1792 sound like anyone in your research?

A. & L. Mensing

Dear KROHN friends. I have two KROHN remarks. But I think, you know that

E-mail Name Birth date Birth location Marriage date Marriage location City
Death date Death location Street 1 Street 2 City Zip or postal code Country
Phone BA(A)DE / KROHN(EN), Elisabeth 25-10-1676
Diedrichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Duchy = Herzogtum of
Mecklenburg-Schwerin / Holy Roman Empire of German Nation = Heiliges
R�misches Reich Deutscher Nation 1-12-1713 Diedrichshagen near Wnmde near
Rostock /Mecklbg (kbm, here the marriage record shows that her maiden name
was n o t KROHN[EN]: "Hans SUSEMIHL jun. mit Frau [instead of the usual
"Jungfer"] Elisabeth KROHNEN zum Diedrichshagen Hochzeit gegeben".)
Diederichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Duchy Meckl / HolRomEmp
GermanNat 1742 Diedrichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Mecklenburg
Diederichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Duchy Meckl / HolRomEmp

KROHN, Catharina Sophia 31-12-1744 Diedrichshagen near Warnem�nde near
Rostock / Duchy = Herzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin / Holy Roman Empire of
German Nation = Heiliges R�misches Reich Deutscher Nation 1-11-1765
(?Diedrichshagen near?) Warnem�nde near Rostock / Mecklenburg
Diederichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Duchy Meckl / HolRomEmp
GermanNat Aft. 1818 Diederichshagen near Warnem�nde near Rostock / Duchy
Meckl / HolRomEmp GermanNat

Sincerely yours, Peter

Peter Chr. CLEMENS, Kinderarzt (Pediatrician), (Meine Familie bis
1900 / my family until 1900: GEDBAS: New search)
Schwerin / Mecklenburg / Germany
-- Ich knote zusammen a l l e Nachfahren (a) meiner Familie
SUSEMI(E)(H)L ab 1505, & (b) meiner juedischen Familien JOSEPHY/JOSEPHI
aus M e c k l e n b u r g ab 1690 & (c) HENRIQUES/HINRICHSEN aus
Portugal - Frankreich - Niederlande - G l u e c k s t a d t - D � n e m a
r k - Mecklenburg seit 1420/1528. (I tie together a l l descendants [a]
of my family SUSEMI(E)(H)L since 1505, & [b] of my jewish families
JOSEPHY/JOSEPHI from Mecklenburg since 1690 & [c] HENRIQUES/HINRICHSEN
from Spain/Portugal - France - Netherlands - Glueckstadt - D e n m a r k -
Mecklenburg, since 1420/1528.)
-- In S c h l e s i e n suche ich jegliche KEYSEL/KAYSEL und Vor- + andere
Nachfahren von Johann CLEMENS, b: ca.1740 in Gr�nberg (Zielona G�ra) /
Niederschlesien, uebergesiedelt nach Meseritz, Provinz Posen, dort d: 1800 ?
(In S i l e s i a I search for CLEMENS, KEYSEL & KAYSEL.)
-- Die meisten meiner Verwandten leben. Die ��lteste� Ahnenreihe geht
zurueck auf KAISER KARL DEN GROSSEN, und weiter bis zum Spitzenahnen geboren
ca. 6 nach Christus (K�nig CLODIUS II von GALLIEN). (The most of my
relatives are very alive. The �oldest� ancestor line goes back to
CHARLEMAGNE, via him further back to the year 6 A.D. [birth of King CLODIUS
II of ancient Gaul].)
-- Herstellung edler Familientafeln auf Papyrus 80x60cm, und auf Schlipsen,
hier nur eine Ahnenlinie (Design of family trees on Papyrus 3x2ft, and on
ties, here only one ancestor line)
-- Kopien-Archiv aller jued.Kirchenbuecher d.Ghzm Mecklenburg-Schwerin
(Archives of Copies of all jewish church books of Gr.Duchy of
= Am Tannenhof 52, D-19061 Schwerin-Schlossgarten / Mecklenburg, Germany
= Tel/Fax +49-385-565670 (or Fax +49-385-520-2676)
= Email (attachments I can only read if saved as .doc
or .tif file)

We are also searching the Krohn surname. Our connection is in 1821 in
Germany around Allerstorf & Plennin. Does the name Marie Dorothee
Friederike KROHN born 1792 sound like anyone in your research?

A. & L. Mensing