Dear List,
I find the WWII honor roll especially emotional because an ancestor, name was Leonard Krawiecki was killed 25 May 1945. He was only 19 years old.
I have a picture of him in a group of military soldiers that belonged to my grandmother.
Later I obtained his obituary.
Obituary (Nashville Journal), 24 Feb 1949, Nashville Public Library, 219 East Elm Street, Nashville, Il 62263.
"Newspapers: Nashville Journal, Feb 24, 1949, pg 1 Two Bodies
The bodies of two servicemen from Washington county have arrived from Pacific island cemeteries and will be returned to their home for burial, according to Service Officer, Jack Foehr. They are Pvt. Leonard Krawiecki and S/Sgt Leonard A Kania.
Krawiecki, son of Mr and Mrs John Krawiecki of Ashley Rout 2, was killed on Okinawa, May 25, 1945. He enlisted at Nashville Sept 25, 1944, and was killed by enemy fire. Following a military funeral, he was buried in the 77th Division cemetery on Okinawa.
7 months after he enlisted, he died.
Makes me so sad. I never met him. I remember his dads farm in W.C. Illinois visiting when I was a kid.
It makes me think about all the kids dying in Iraq the last few months. All of them, American or Iraqi. Polish or Spanish. They are still just kids that never expected death. I'm praying for a world without war.