Hi Gilles,
hope the info BELOW is of help to you. See also my second mail on your behalf
with the topic heading "Nürnberg - Einwohnerbücher". Regards, Alija
Nr. 1
In Germany there do NOT exist any Census lists like in other countries (e.g.
US), that are of help to genealogist.
Nr. 2
If your Berta Croneiss or Oscar Robert Schmidt died after 1947 in the city of
Nuremberg (which genealogy-wise is fairly recent), then their death should be
recorded at the "Einwohneramt der Stadt Nuernberg" (Office for Registration
of Residents). I recommend you write to them. The snail-mail and e-mail address
of the "Einwohneramt Nuernberg" you will find here:
Ask for a "Melderegisterauszug" (info or copy of their [Berta+Oscar]
registration) or for a "Sterberegisterauszug" (info or copy of their [Berta+Oscar]
death registration)
Please NOTE:
* It might be, that due to Germanys privacy-laws, YOU need to
prove to them (Einwohneramt) that YOU are a direct relation of
the couple. (Normally you only get info if you are a direct
*descendant* of a person).
* My advise would be, to include in the text of your letter a text
part that states/shows your relationship to the couple - and
then wait and see if this is enough proof for the "Einwohneramt".
(If not, it might be that they ask you for written copies that prove
your relation - but first wait and see....)
* When you write to the Einwohneramt, include that you
do NOT need certified copies of the death record, that
a normal copy would be enough.
(in German: KEINE beglaubigten Kopien).
Certified copies are more expensive, yet some Einwohneraemter
only issue those.
* If they have info on the couple the fees might be anything
between € 0,- or up to € 20,- / € 40,- per record.
Nr. 3
You wrote:
They lived on 25. Dec 1947 in Nuernberg at
Karl Schwinstrasse No bis 14 Woldhier Kirgeslstein
This streetname + name of city part of Nuernberg
is IMHO badly misspelled or mis-written German (?)
Yet, you need the *correct* street name or at least
city part, to have a chance of finding the corresponding
PARISH, if you would like to research, as an alternative,
the church records for a possible death date.
Nuremberg has TOO many Protestant church parishes,
each with there own church records, to *generally*
find the death record of a person named:
*Berta SCHMIDT* (the way her death would be
recorded). The German name *Schmidt*, is one of
Germanys most common names.
I checked the current day online maps for this address and
other versions, e.g.
- Karl-Schwinstrasse
- Karl-Schweinstrasse
- Karl S... or Karl-S....
NO result. There is (at least TODAY) no street name that
comes near to this.
The only letter variants found today, that come near,
are, e.g.
* Karl-Schoenleben-Strasse
* Karl-Steigelmann-Strasse
* Karlstrasse
* Karlstaedter Strasse
Nr. 4
You wrote city part would be:
Woldhier Kirgeslstein
Here it's the same, that's IMHO definitely NOT correct and
is miss-written or read-read. There is no city part in Nuremberg
with this name and for a German is sounds/reads very
strange and foreign.
Might your *Woldhier* be miss-written forms of these city parts,
e.g. ???
- Wolkersdorf / - Worzeldorf / - Weigelshof
- Weiherhaus / - Weichselgarten
Or your *Kirgeslstein*, e.g. be ???
- Ziegelstein / - Zerzabelshof
Check your source and compare it to the list of current
day names of Nuremberg city parts here:
or here:
or here:
Nr. 5
Also download this pdf. file (ca. 1,8 MB):
Look at THE MAPs and the names of city parts, if you can
recognize anything similar to what you have.
See on:
- page 3, is "Statistical districts of city Nuremberg 1901/02
- page 4, is "Statistical districts in 1910"
- on page 5, is mentioned a
"Strassenverzeichnis im Einwohnerbuch bis 1988"
(Street name register within the Inhabitants-Books until 1988).
Here are mentioned the "Einwohnerbuecher der Stadt Nuernberg",
which seemingly were printed until 1988 by the publisher named
*Tuemmels-Verlag*. Seems in this books were alphabetical
registers of streets (incl. references to which district the street
belonged etc.) and seemingly lists of residents.
I have NO idea where and if you can get hold of copies of the books
for the timeframe after 1947 (Berta was 62 years old then) until
the years ca. 1968.
Maybe another list member here knows more about this ???
- page 6, is "Statistical districts of Nuremberg ca. 1924
Nr. 6
Some questions.
1) What religion did you couple have (Ev. or Catholic) ?
2) Were they refugees or evicted people from another country ?
Nr. 7
Birthplace of *Oscar Robert Schmidt* = Schmiedeberg.
If he was born in Bavaria, then there are 3 places by that name.
See: Bavarian Gazetteer
see list ==> "Schi-Scho"