Re: Kingdom of Hannover

In a message dated 10/30/01 12:17:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< What geographic/political entities comprised the Kingdom of Hannover prior
English hegemony? I understand that it was not until ca. 1714 that the area
came under the English House of Hanover rule. Prior to that time, how would
one refer to the area that is now Solling, Niedersachsen? I have checked the
online atlases and haven't found an answer. Thanks so much to anyone who has
answer. >>
Use this URL to read on the history of the Kingdom of Hannover and how it
came to be, it talks about the House of Welfen who ruled for many centuries,
this included the Solling/Uslar/Hann-Muenden and Calberg-Goettingen.