Hi, Barbara Stewart,
Thanks so much for your message relating to the "permissions to emigrate" from
Hannover, Osnabruck and Wolfbuttel. From your instructions, I have found what could
be two long-sought ancestors: 1) Johann Christian Albert RIPPE who departed from the
village of Wechold, near Hoya, Kingdom of Hannover, arriving in the U.S. sometime
before the 1850 Census of Texas and 2) a child named Trenetta/Doronetta PETERS who,
according to the U.S. Census, was a Hannover native who arrived in the U.S. in 1845,
aged 6.
But, when I clicked on the names to get "towns or origins", I got only the following:
"Bestell-Nr.: Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover, Hann. 74 Hoya Nr." followed by 2, 3 or 4
digit numbers, some of the names having the same numbers.
Can you tell me if these numbers can be converted into the names of towns and where
might I find the key? From the title quoted above, I presume that these people all
have the same general origins, Hoya, in Hannover Kingdom, but in different towns; is
that the way you would read it?
Thanks again,
Newton Brand
Those little numbers which you won't give us are file identification
numbers which point to the exact file in question. It doesn't really
matter though because the data you are looking for is included in
those files and you need to give the name of the person you are
interested in with their respective Bestell-Nr (order number) to the
archive to get what you are looking for, ie. more specifics about
those people.
What good is it to know the name of a town without all the other
personal data that goes along with the emigration application.
4788 Corian Court
Naples, FL 34114
239-775-7838; 239-269-4781 (cell)
I did the search for Rippe and found what you did. But I am not
sure how you can be sure which Rippe is your person, except by clicking on
one of the names with Christian in it. This leads to the Codes that you
have which contains the town of Hoya. That must be the place of origin
(although you said your people came from Walchold I think one could presume
that since it is quite small but near to Hoya, that it is listed as Hoya).
The code numbers are somewhat unclear, but again I think that they are
necessary numbers to be used if you want to obtain the exact record from the
Hannover archives. The numbers could be the same for several persons,
indicating a family group or some such. What you can do then is to email
the archives, including the name(s) of your people and other details you
have) with the code, and they will find the record and send it to you.
There is a fee for each record, but I haven't heard from someone yet who
knows what it costs.
The email address for Hannover archives is:
Another alternative would be to research the Hoya records (of which
the LDS has few, only court records, I believe). Nearly all the Rippes
listed on that emigration list are from Hoya. You may have to write the
church--or be lucky and find someone who has already researched your family!
Do you want to get the emigration records in order to find the parents of
your ancestor? Otherwise, since you already know the birthplace you
wouldn't need the emigration record. Could this be the ship list for your
Christian? Traveling as children or the age is wrong. :
Ancestry® | Family Tree, Genealogy & Family History Records
If not, you can look at the other Rippes listed on ship lists at this
I also did a search in the Hannover site for the Peters, but I am not
sure how you found her name there. I don't see it. There are many Peters
on the ship lists at the above address. You might look there.
I hope I answered your questions,
What good is it to know the name of a town without all the other
personal data that goes along with the emigration application.
I have to answer you on that one. It is necessary to know a
birthplace! Even if you don't have all the other details--at least you can
be sure where they came from--and search in whatever records you can find.
That has happened more than once for me. In the case here, nearly ALL the
Rippes are from Hoya--at least one could start trying to find Hoya
records--not so??
I think we're mixing apples and oranges here. Let's say I found Hans
Schmidt's archival file. Now I want all those records in my
possession. It will tell me everythingb there is to know about my
Hans including his birthplace plus much more. At least that's how I
understand the data that they have recored about emigrants. I doubt
very much that they have their set up by birthplace anyway. As you
know the most specific place they have files by are Kirchspiele or
parishes. Well, they were big and many a Bauerschaft lies within
them. Only when I get the records filed by parish will I be able to
conclude where the birthplace actually was. The Kirchspiel would only
care about their baptism in the local church but they weren't all
born there. 
4788 Corian Court
Naples, FL 34114
239-775-7838; 239-269-4781 (cell)