Re: Hannover ancestors

I might as well answer this in public as others may also wonder where
to go. I believe all of the below listed professional researchers
speak fairly fluent English. Their rates may vary. I've dealt with
all of them except for Gerhard Bork. He does not seem to be active on
the net and I tend to ignore such people.

In general you should limit your investment to some pre-arranged
number of hours or dollars. Be as precise as you can be in the work
you've done, what you've discovered and what you disproved. Give all
dates, names and locations known to you.

Gerhard Bork

Jens Th. Kaufmann, Dipl.-Bibl., Genealoge
Reisweg 10, 38116 Braunschweig
Tel./Fax: 0531-251 27 35

Dr. Sylvia M�hle
Family and Archive Research
Schillerstr. 72
37083 Goettingen Germany

Falk Liebezeit
Friedrichstr. 25
49356 Diepholz
Germany - Allemagne

For research in the old Grafschaft Tecklenburg I can also recommend
the historian Brigitte Jahnke. While this area came to be a part of
Prussia it is, nevertheless, very close and associated to the history
and genealogy of Osnabr�ck and Hannover.