Re: Genealogy Knoke from Kolenfeld

Hello Gernot

Is Knoke possibly another spelling for Knoche or is it entirely different?

Also Wiepking for Wiebke?

My husband's family - August Diedrich Knoche married Anna Catherine
Wilhelmina Wiebke in Fort Wayne, IN. However both families came from Germany;
August in 1881 & Wilhelminia's parents (Diedrich Carl Christian & Wilhamine Hanne
Friedrich (Prange) Wiebke) in 1859.
Not exactly sure of where they came from but do know August's parents
married in Ehlienworth in the Lutheran church in 1858. They went from Bremen to
New York. Diedrich Wiebke was born in Lahde & Wilhamine Prange in Westphalia
according to her obituary. Not sure where they left from or arrived at

Betty Knoche

Hello Betty,

       Have you ever looked at the LDS church records for Lahde? They run
from 1654-1964. That town is actually in Westphalia - across the Weser
River from Petershagen.

      I don't find a town by the name of Ehlienworth, but there is one in
Hannover by the name of Ihlienworth. It is south of Otterndorf which is
south of the Elbe river in the general Cuxhaven area. No LDS records for

Good luck,

Do you mean Knoke from, Linsburg near Hannover?
"R&B Stewart" <> schrieb: