Hi Barney
If you are looking for a program you should have one to export so called
Gedcom files. If you have for example family tree maker and i have PAF 5.5 you
can send me a gedcom file out of your program and i can import the datas into
my program!
By the way i use PAF 5.5 only to have the tree in form of an electronic tree
of course no pictures within. But PAF 5.5 is FREE, you can download it at
the LDS church site.
But you should have DSL a fast internet connection with an old modem you
will need one hour for the download :-)))))))))))))
Hi Armin,
Thanks for the insight. I did not understand the reference in your email to having the "tree in the form of an electronic tree" - sorrry I am a novice with these prpograms.
With the standardization on the Gedcom file format it would appear that it would not be a major project to change from one program to another in the future provided the export import function works. In that case, selecting a program to start working with would seem less import than say selecting something that would require major retooling to replace. Is that logic about right?
Thanks again,
Barney Speckman