Hello Everyone .....
In my immediate family(ie my parents children) names go as follows.
Son no 1 Robert James Bertie named after fathers Uncle , father, and
mothers father (mothers father had two forenames)
Son no 2 Thomas named after one of my mother's brothers who had four
Son no 3 George Albert Philip Percival named after two of mothers
uncles and mother's father,
Son no 4 Joshua named picked from the Holy Bible.( a new name crops up
Daughter no 1 MaryJane (thats me) named after both parents mother's
first names.
Son no 5 Timothy name picked from the Holy Bible ( a new name crops up
Son no 6 William Andree named after fathers cousin,mothers
grandfather and mothers surname,
Daughter no 2 *Primrose Augusta named after *mother, *mother's aunt
and great aunt.
Daughter no 3 Amanda April ....the family were given a choice of
names by our mother one of whichis the moth she was born ( new names
crop up here too)
Previous generation of mothers family (German)
The following names crop up a lot through the generations:
Johann,Wilhelm,Wilhelmus,Fredrik,Henrik,Georgiana,Henry,Louis and
other versions of these names both male and female,Anna,
Sophia,Gertrude,Arthur,Maria,Elizabeth or
Eliza,Adolphus,Margarita,Charlotta,Godfried, Gofried,Eva or
Evangeline,Petronella, Dorothea,Catherina,Angenita,Klara,Phillip or
Phillipus,Augustus and Augusta.
There is no real pattern to these names in the family but I suspect
children were named after favourite aunts ,uncles and grandparents
and sometimes the odd name or two picked randomly crop up in quite a
few generations. In my Tree (mothers side) names seem to follow
patterns over about two generations only, then they change to names
of aunts and uncles in law etc . Sons were named after fathers quite a
lot in this tree.
I personally like to see names follow in some way through generations
as it gives us a clue to relatives when we search. It certainly
helped me a lot over the years in my searching.
MaryJane ............on a dry but chilly and dull day in Suffolk, UK
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