RE: Auswanderhafen in OWP?

Hallo Alexandra,
1865 ist noch zu fr�h f�r Ellis Island. Damals wurden die Einwanderer noch
in Castle Garden empfangen.
Castle Garden hat auch eine Website:

Gru� aus S�dafrika, Rudolf

Hello dear members of the list in the USA

I wonder if someone could do me a big, big favour and scan or obtain a copy of the entries down below they are my great grand uncle and great uncle

Bernhard Johann Heinemann *29 Nov 1852 Prussia + 04 Jun 1925 New York:
page 6B line 90 Enumeration District 206
information from the States: he was 67 years at the census, renting his home, listed as widower
He came to the US in either 1870 or 1880 (difficult to read),
he was naturalized in 1885, he is listed of not having a profession

Willy Otto Hans Heinemann *22 Apr 1878 Loetzen/Prussia + 1945 in Germany
emigrated 09 May 1903 to the US, left from Cuxhafen on 'Fuerst Bismarck' for New York
Ships manifesto info: Willy H. went to live with his uncle B. Heinemann at 63 First Street NY City
information from US: listed in 1920 census (William) page 6B line 91, living with his uncle Bernard Heinemann in New York Brooklyn Wythe Avenue,
enumeration district 206, not clear if he was naturalized.

I would be really greatful quite happy to pay for the services.
I am looking forward to hear from someone
To all of you a Merry Christmas from good old England

Maren Khan

Hallo Maren,

ich habe Zugang zu "" und k�nnte
dir die Scans/JPGs zumailen. Bitte Deine private
E-Mail Adresse schicken (nicht �ber die Liste).

Gru� aus dem Remstal bei Stuttgart

Matthias (E. Theiner)