Re: Attempting to post only the URL in Plain Text


I went to your site and found your Veregge. I did a quick search in our
Dutch online database Genlias, and found a Veregge family from Woensel in
Noord Brabant. That is a place very near to where my parents live nowadays,
and also very near to the German border.

Did I ever give you information on the Genlias database before? The
intention is to enter all the information from the Dutch archives since 1811
on birth, marriage and death records, and make this online available. It is
not complete yet. (You can imagine that all Dutch genealogists are following
every addition that is made with great expectations. Until now, there are
only some provinces that are quite well covered, but there is still a lot
lacking. Even so, it's a great starting point for genealogical research.)
Since 1811 all births, marriages and deaths had to be registered in Holland.
With the marriage and death records you can trace people back to the 18th
century. Once you have located a person, you go to the regional archives to
find information in the older church records. They often go back a long way.
Btw, Genlias is available to everybody. You have to register, but it's free.
Here is how to get there:
Once you get to this site, click on the British flag to get an English
version of the site, and you'll find further explanation there.
There is a problem with the Genlias server, so sometimes you have to
wait quite some time before you get a connection, and also it happens that
it is impossible to connect and you get an error message. Just try again now
and then. Once you get in, it is really worth the effort if you're looking
for Dutch surnames from 1811 onward

Also, if you want to, I can do some local research and start some searching
here in Holland on Dutch mailing lists. The letter you are talking about, is
that a letter in Dutch?
Is there more information you can let me know? You can send it to my private
email address.
I'll also try to find out what I can in Germany. My "missing link" comes
from the Detmold area as well. At the moment I'm trying to find as much
information as I can here in Holland, but I do intend to go to Detmold in
the near future.

Hope I can be of help,

Sietske Hoogerhuis <>
Hoofddorp, Netherlands
Researching GROTJOHAN(N), STOCK, STOCKMEIJER in Westfalen, Germany

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