Hello Gail Frain, Hello members of the list,
there have been very good explanations of the traditional "Sch�tzenfest" her, so
that I haven`t to add something in that point in the moment. But I wish to
express best wishes for health to Charles Drewes, Jr. and all the best for soon
Gail Frain has done meanwhile great work for me just a little beside the list,
but I think it will be in her sense telling of the success. She found in the
Freeborn County Historical Society JOHANN HEINRICH CHRISTOPH ALBERS, born
3.Nov.1849 in Neetze and I found that he is an relative of me, we both go back to
the same J�rgen Christoph (gen. "Stoffer") Albers, who lived from before 1700, up
to 1754 in Neetze. I had the birth-date already taken alreday from the parish-
book some years before, but had no idea, where he and his wife could have gone.
Now he is found back in Minnesota. Nobody here knew they immigrated to the USA.
So, I can give some information back from the entry of marriage, which might help
the descendants over there to there anchestors:
Copy of the original entry KB Neetze 1875 Ehe: J�rgen Heinrich Christoph ALBERS,
who died 25.08.1913 Mansfield, Minnesota:
"Br�utigam: ALBERS, J�rgen Heinrich Christoph, unverehelichter H�usling in
Neetze, geb. 3.November 1849 in Neetze / Eltern: H�usling Heinrich Christoph
Albers in Neetze und dessen Ehefrau Katharina Dorothee geb. HOLZMANN / Braut:
STEHR, Anna Dorothee Elisabeth unverehelicht in Rohstorf, z.Zt. in S�ttorf, geb.
19.August 1848 in Rohstorf / Eltern: H�usling und Maurer Johann Wilhelm STEHR in
Rohstorf und dessen Ehefrau Anna Katharina Elisabeth geb. KOCH / Aufgebot: 17 und
24 Okt. 1875 in Neetze / Trauung: vierundzwanzigster Oktober 1875 in Neetze"
There are the full four names of the Generation before and on Albers I have got
already researched everything back. What would be now of interest is, if there is
still a now living generation from this or his also already mentioned children.
Great, great many thanks to Gail Frain, was just like winning with a royal flash,
especially as there is not to many reason for joy with now again upcoming war.
So some greetings and best wishes to all Hans Peter Albers