Question on Charges For FamilyInformation

There is so much information available within the genealogy community. I
hope we can still help one another without paying. I would be willing to share
anything I have. Judy

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There is a lot on line - but not everything is online. Especially
church records before public records were required. Literally tons of
records, hundreds of years worth, sitting in church archives all over
Europe, and only on paper. Even if some helpful people would take the
time to scan them all in, it wouldn't do much good until they are
transcribed into a database. All that takes time, and time is money.

I'm perfectly willing to help anyone as well, but I also have a family
and a full time job - I can only do so much for free :slight_smile: Luckily, my
scope of knowledge is pretty limited. But I'm actually excited when I
can help people.

You're talking about people who do this full time to put food on the
table and a roof over their heads. And it's a matter of supply and
demand. If one or two people are charged to do this research at a
particular church, and they get requests for more research than they
could possibly hope to get done, either they have a long waiting list or
they have to charge more to limit the requests to what they can handle
in a timely manner. wrote:

There is so much information available within the genealogy community. I
hope we can still help one another without paying. I would be willing to share
anything I have. Judy

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