Cactus Flower schrieb:
Dear List, If they cooked polish. ...
Just a little finding concerning the descendants "Przybilla" out of the region
East Prussia, sometimes ruled by Germans , sometimes by Poland, sometimes even by
others. In the book SPERBER, Wolf Wendelin von: Die unsichtbaren Gr�ber der
Familie v.Sperber aus Sommerau/Ostpreu�en, 1996 (no ISBN), S.65 is written:
"In der Nachbarschaft der Kleinstadt und des Amtsgerichtes Pr�kuls lag auch das
Sperber'sche Gut Pr�kuls vor den Toren von Memel, dessen Besitzer damals Curt
Sperber, geb. 1847, Sohn des vierten Sohnes des Landrats Gottfried Benjamin
Sperber aus Gerskullen, mit seiner Frau Jenny, geb.v.Hauteville, war. Diese Tante
Jenny ... hatte ... mit ihren beiden Kindern Julia und Horst wenig Gl�ck. Horst
fiel im ersten Weltkrieg anno 1917 bei Fok�ani in Mazedonien, und die anno 1895
geborene Julia, ein sehr wildes und lebenshungriges Kind, heiratete im Jahre 1918
den wenig erfreulichen Leutnant a.D. Joseph Przybilla, der im zweiten Weltkrieg
als Verr�ter zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet worden ist."
So one must not follow the authors opinions here my translation:
"In the neighbourhood of the small town, place of ageneral court, Pr�kuls was
also in the very nearby of Memel the estate of the Sperber's, which owner at that
time was Curt Sperber, b. 1847, son of the fourth son of the district president
Benjamin Sperber aus Gerskullen and his wife Jenny, born as v.Hauteville. This
aunt (of the author; HPA) ... had ... not too much luck with her two childs.
Horst fell in 1917 in World War I. at Fo�kani in Macedonia, and the 1895 born
Julia, a very wild and hungry for life child, married in 1918 the less pleasuring
former lieutenant Joseph PRZYBILLA, who was sentenced to death as a traitor in
World War II and executed:"
So it is not the best news, it is better then none.Greetings. Hans Peter Albers