
Hi Barb,

here I am again.

Meanwhile I carefully went through my own records of the history resp.
genealogy of the parish of Buxtehude and have found the following interesting

In 1874 Peter Heinrich Wilhelm Moye and Anna Katharina Margarethe Luttmer
married in Buxtehude. Anna Katharina Margarethe Luttmer was born on May 21,
1850 in Altkloster which belonged to the parish of Buxtehude. Her parents were
Johann Joachim Luttmer and his wife Maria Margarethe Rebecka née Behrens.

Johann Joachim L. was a factory worker. At that time there was one factory
only in Altkloster, namely the "Winter`sche Papierfabriken" (a factory
producing paper) which was founded in 1622 already and shut in the first half of the
20th century.

Now we can say: It is a matter of fact that the family Luttmer was domiciled
in Altkloster(parish of Buxtehude) in the middle of the 19th century already.

I believe the marriage of Joachim Prigge and Katharina Luttmer and further
details of your Luttmer family will be available in the original church books
of Buxtehude.
