Previous inquiry may be wrong

Sorry all, I jumped ahead of the gun and my previous inquiry may be wrong.

It appears I am looking for a Christopher Peters who was born in Elm about
1790, the son of Johann Peters also of Elm.

Elm is a village in Oldendorf by Stade.

Christopher married Maria Meyers (Kutenholz) in Mulsum in 1818.

Does anybody have access to the Elm, Oldendorf OFB’s or the Ortssippenbuch?

Thanks again,


Hello John,

It appears I am looking for a Christopher Peters who was born in Elm about

1790, the son of Johann Peters also of Elm.

Christoph Peters was born on 24.02.1788 in Elm (baptism on 26.02.1788),
parents are Johann Peters and Marie geb. Gooßen.

I have only access to the church books register of Oldendorf. But let me
tell you, that the "Hannover-Liste" is not the right list for your
questions. Please log in to the "Niederelbe-Liste"

there you are right and you may be better served there. Many researchers
there also speak English.

Good luck


Thank you for the information you have found Ingrid, I have also subscribed
to the list you recommended.

Hello John,

It appears I am looking for a Christopher Peters who was born in Elm

1790, the son of Johann Peters also of Elm.

Christoph Peters was born on 24.02.1788 in Elm (baptism on 26.02.1788),
parents are Johann Peters and Marie geb. Gooßen.

I have only access to the church books register of Oldendorf. But let me
tell you, that the "Hannover-Liste" is not the right list for your
questions. Please log in to the "Niederelbe-Liste"

there you are right and you may be better served there. Many researchers
there also speak English.

Good luck
