Amigos ! A Schlesien friend from Brazil.
It's quite usual in Schlesien and in Posen to find the german and polish
stocks mixed in one group with many intermarriages as time goes by. I have
my great-father Victor Gugisch, from Raudten, son of Hugo Gugisch and Agnes
Becker. Hugo was the son of Friedrich Gugisch and Franziska Korowska.
German Imigration to Brazil (until1970)
Per�odo Total
1824-47 - 8.176
1848-72 - 19.523
1872-79 - 14.325
1880-89 - 18.901
1890-99 - 17.084
1900-09 - 13.848
1910-19 - 25.902
1920-29 - 75.801
1930-39 - 27.497
1940-49 - 6.807
1950-59 - 16.643
1960-69 - 5.659
Nowadays, about 6 millions of brazilians can claim some sort of german
ancestry. Brazil is a multi-ethnical but
a monocultural society, with plenty of diversity. We brought about 4
millions of blacks slaves from 1550 to 1850, the biggest african market of
the Americas because we had colonies in Africa. We killed and enslaved more
indians for more time in such a big territory than anyone in the world. It
still goes on in the Amazon frontiers, where there are still indians
untouched by our culture. We built a very rich and mixed culture, quite
thrilling, on the basis of violence and income concentration. The
assimilation is complete. We have only one language, portuguese, and one
model of education. If you decide to emigrate, you must accept the culture
of your new home. You must bring your culture to join and enrich the mixture
of your new motherland. We conquered more than 8 millions of square km in
the last 500 hundred years and we need more good people to build a good
place in this beautiful land. My wife is from polish and german origins as
well. My male line is from portuguese origins and my great-father still had
slaves in 1888, when slavery was abolished in Brazil.
Happy New year
My genealogical site
My great-father Victor Gugisch, from Silesia
He came from Raudten .
Ricardo Costa de Oliveira
Curitiba / Paran�
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