Dear Listeners
Can you please translate or explain what the Homeyers are doing here? Thank
you so much Pam Homeyer
Jahr 1702 brachte für die Katholiken nach und nach die Wende. Die Grafschaft
Lingen fiel an Preußen. Große Hoffnung setzten die Katholiken auf den
liberal eingestellten König Friedrich Wilhelm I. Aber hohe preußische
Beamte, die im Bistum Münster enterbt und wegen ihres evangelischen Glaubens
des Landes verwiesen waren, unterdrückten weiterhin die katholische
Erst nach einer Geldspende von 5.000 Talern der Katholiken in der Graf-
schaft Lingen erlaubte der König 1717 die Rückkehr der kath. Priester und
die Feier der Hl. Messe in Privathäusern. In großer Eile errichteten die
Katholiken ein Fachwerkbau auf Homeyers Hof als Notkirche. Doch die große
Freude der Gemeinde über die wiedererlangten Freiheiten wurde gedämpft durch
zwei schwere Schläge:
1734 ermordeten in einer Nacht mehrere Räuber den Pfarrer Jakob Kemler, als
dieser sich zur Wehr setzte. 1747 richtete ein großer Sturm erheb- lichen
Schaden an.
Das Gebäude auf Homeyers Grund, entworfen durch den Architekten Rudolphi,
erhielt aber doch durch die Rundbogenfenster das Aussehen einer Kirche. Von
reformierter Seite wurden Schwierigkeiten gemacht und der Bau vorübergehend
stillgelegt. Wegen dieser Vorfälle übertrug der ältere Pastor Brockmeyer und
der Vorstand der Gemeinde dem Kaplan Ter Meer die Gesamtleitung des
Die Kosten für den Kirchbau und die Innenausstattung waren nicht gering.
Hier einige Zahlen: 115 Taler für den Kirchplatz von Colon Homeyer, 140
Taler für den Hochaltar,
Pamela Homeyer
2207 Rock Street Little Rock, AR USA 72206-2336
2965 Viaje Pavo Real Santa Fe NM
Cell: (501) 442- 1102
A fair google translation:
Year 1702 brought the Catholics by and by the turn. The County
Lingen fell to Prussia. Catholics put great hope on the
liberal-minded king Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia, but high
Officials in the Diocese of Munster and disinherited because of their
evangelical faith
the country were made, still oppressed by the Catholic
Only after a donation of 5,000 crowns of Catholics in the Graf -
Community Lingen 1717, the king allowed the return of the cath. Priests and
the celebration of Holy Mass in private homes. Erected in great haste
Catholics a half-timbered building on Homeyer court as emergency
church. But the great
Joy of freedom regained the town was dampened by
two serious blows:
1734 murdered in one night several thieves Pastor James Kemler, as
This continued to fight back. 1747 sent a great storm significant contraction
The building on the basic Homeyer, designed by the architect Rudolphi,
But it was through the arched windows of the appearance of a church. Of
Reformed side were made difficulties and temporary construction
decommissioned. Because of these incidents transferred the elder and
pastor Brockmeyer
the board of the municipality of the chaplain Ter Meer, the general
direction of the
Church architecture.
The cost of the church building and the interior were not low.
Here are some numbers: 115 dollars for the church square of Colon Homeyer, 140
Credits for the high altar,
Hi Pam,
here is my translation:
Little by little the year 1702 brought a turning point for catholics. Lingen County fell to Prussia. The catholics put great hopes in
the liberal King Friedrich Wilhelm I. Yet high Prussian officials in the
Diocese Münster, who were disinherited and exiled because of their protestant beliefs,
continued to suppress the catholic population.
Only after a payment of 5,000 Taler by the catholics in the
County Lingen, the King agreed 1717 to a return of the catholic priests and
celebration of mass in private dwellings. In great haste the catholics erected
a wooden building on Homeyer’s farm to serve as a temporary church. But the
congregration’s great joy over their recovered freedom was dampened by two
During one night in 1734 several robbers killed Pastor Jakob Kemler as he was defending himself. In 1747 a terrible storm caused
considerable damage.
The building on Homeyer’s property, designed by architect
Rudolphi, received a round arched window, which gave it the appearance of a
church. The reformed faction created some difficulites and the construction was
temporarily halted. These incidents caused old Pastor Brockmeyer and the head
of the community to hand the entire construction project over to Kaplan Ter
Meer .
The costs of the construction of the church building as well as designing the interior were
not insignificant: 115 Taler for Colon Homeyer’s property, 140 Taler for the
high altar.
Best regards,