I have ancestors from this same area. Henrich Pappe (Pape)and Katherine
Strawmueller. Their son Carl was my grandfather. I have not been able to locate any
Strawmuellers from that area. If you know of any please contact me. thanks
I have two Kl�pper lines.
One, Maria Sophia Josepha Kl�pper, was born 11 Feb 1793 in Sorsum.
I do not know from where the line of Oliver Kl�pper, who married a lady born
in 1899, stems.
Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks
Dear Antonia,
unfortunatelly I haven't seen any Strawm�llers or Strohm�llers (should be the German name) yet. It must be a very rare name. I found just one match (Strohm�ller) in Munich in German White Pages (www.telefonbuch.de) and just one match at www.familysearch.org in Luxembourg.
Good luck with your further research and kindly regards from Germany,
Dear Bob,
sorry, I haven't seen any of your mentioned persons. Sorsum should be near Hildesheim. This is quite far from Minden.
Good luck with your further research and kindly regards from Germany,
Dear Antonia,
they could be from Lerbeck near Minden:
Nachkommen von Johann Friedrich Pape
Erste Generation
1. Johann Friedrich Pape .
heiratete Christine Charlotte Niehus .
Sie hatten die folgenden Kinder:
2 M i. Carl Heinrich Pape .
Carl heiratete Anne Margarethe Strahnm�ller
Tochter von Joh. Heinrich Strahnm�ller und Anna Margarehta Hagemeier
am 02.10.1828 in Lutherisch, Lerbeck. Anne wurde am 08.02.1809 geboren.
Hallo Antonia,
auch ich kann einige PAPEs anbieten:
464 Korff, Hans Henrich, fuehrt zumindest ab 1774 den Namen Langemann, getauft Veltheim 26.1.1744, + Veltheim (Nr. 75) 11.12.1798 (55 J.); Colon auf Veltheim Nr. 75; oo Veltheim 10.12.1770
465 Pape, Anna Catharina, getauft Veltheim 22.3.1747, + Veltheim (Nr. 75) 4.7.1788 (41 J. 3 M.).
930 Pape, Meyer oder Wichmann, Hans, * ca. 1715, begr. Veltheim 2.1.1767 (52 J. etliche M., Verstopfung des Urins, darauf Wassersucht); Colonus auf Papen Stätte; oo Veltheim 18.3.1742
931 Tebbe, Anna Maria Elisabeth, * Möllbergen (Nr. 2, Berghof), getauft Holzhausen 29.7.1718.