Liebe Familienforscher,
ich will einige Bilder verschiedenen Personen zuordnen, allerdings kommt
dann in der Gesamt�bersicht das doppelte Bild mit dem Bildnamen "URL" und
beim �ffnen mit folgender Fehlermeldung:
ERROR 8: Uninitialized string offset: 0
0 Error occurred on in function setfileproperties
1 called from line 301 of file media_class.php in function setfileproperties
2 called from line 258 of file media_class.php in function getfiletype
3 called from line 344 of file media_ctrl.php in function getfacts
4 called from line 123 of file mediaviewer.php
ERROR 8: Uninitialized string offset: 0
0 Error occurred on in function setfileproperties
1 called from line 316 of file media_class.php in function setfileproperties
2 called from line 258 of file media_class.php in function getfiletype
3 called from line 344 of file media_ctrl.php in function getfacts
4 called from line 123 of file mediaviewer.php
ERROR 8: Undefined index: unknown_mime
0 Error occurred on in function setfileproperties
1 called from line 328 of file media_class.php in function setfileproperties
2 called from line 258 of file media_class.php in function getfiletype
3 called from line 344 of file media_ctrl.php in function getfacts
4 called from line 123 of file mediaviewer.php
Was habe ich denn wieder falsch gemacht?
Ich freue mich auf die Antworten.
Mit freundlichem Gru� aus Dresden
Ren� Gr�nz
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