Der Ahn war vermutlich Pfarrbauer, d.h. er bewirtschaftete das dem Unterhalt der Pfarrei gewidmete Land, meist als Paechter.
Mit freundlichem Gruss -
Prof. Dr. Karl M. Brauer, Damsdorfer Weg 11, D-14109 Berlin;, Fon: 0308051394,Fax: 03080603795;
Forschungsgebiete: Ermland, Koschneiderei, Muehlviertel;
....... Ortsbewohnerbuecher und Vorfahrenbericht: ........
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Latin term "colonus" means the holder of an hereditary leaehold.
Originally held from the Crown, the Church or a City, these were later
held from the State. As long as the property was maintained and the
rent and labour services specified in the lease were delivered, the
tenant was secure in his possession and could pass it on to his heirs.
John (Rohde).
Colony: A group of people sent out by the state to a new territory
also, the territory inhabited by these people.
Much like the 13 colonies of the USA?