"Partnership" or German -American Genealogical Partnership (GAGP)

Hello PRG Members,

The past several months have been very busy for some of us at PRG. I would like to keep you up to date on the"Partnership" or German-American Genealogical Partnership (GAGP) so I haveattached the minutes, the Proclamation of Saint Paul and Agreement ofPartnership.

What does this mean to PRG. In short:

   - We keep our identity as PRGand have a chance to show who and what we have to offer.
   - It means PRG is part of the foundation of building a genealogicalbridge between North America and Germany.
   - It means a new avenue into Germanic research with N.American Genealogical Societies
   - It means future ties with German Societies,guides, researchers etc..
   - It means access to organizations you may not know existed andtheir links to genealogy.
   - It means new adventures in genealogical research.

This will not all happen over night it will takesometime obtain the goals of the future. However, we are seeing someinstant results.

   - I have already madeseveral contacts with other genealogical groups interested in Pommern.
   - Our book Pommern Revisited is now in the library of the SacramentoGerman Genealogical Society and a copy given to DAGV(the Germanumbrella society).
   - In July I have am planning on meeting with Dariuz Münnich inWarsaw. Dariuz is a genealogist and does research in the Polishachieves.
   - I also have obtained a name of a guide/researcher who operates outof Posen.

I hope you will be as excited as me into this newadventure. It would be nice to have a few join me on this committeerepresenting PRG. (hint hint).
For continued updates and activities of the committee go to GGSwebsite www.ggsmn.org click on GermanPartnership.

Thanks for your support and best wishes.
Jim Neuenfeldt

President Pommern Regional Group of MN

Agreement of Germanic GenealogyOrganizations

In Partnership with One AnotherFoundation

The President of the Germanic Genealogy Society (GGS),Mrs. Kim Ashford from Minnetonka, Minnesota, affiliate Chairman of thePommern Regional Group of Minnesota (PRG) James Neuenfeldt fromCottage Grove, Minnesota and the National Chairman of the DeutscheArbeitsgemeinschaft genealogischer Verbände (DAGV), Dirk Weisslederfrom Laatzen, Germany signed a Proclamation of St. Paul tobring together a closer German-American genealogical relationship.This partnership would form a German-American genealogy structurebetween countries and organizations for sharing contacts andgenealogical research. This partnership is open to all organizations(and individuals) interested in German genealogical research.
Common Goals

The common elements of this agreement are to create apartnership between organizations and individuals interested in GermanGenealogy research; to share strategies for research; to help developcontacts between organizations and individuals; to create a list ofmost valuable references, resources and websites and to create contactlist of organizations, speakers, researchers, guides, historians andtranslators in support of the Proclamation of St. Paul which is thepartnership between GGS, PRG and DAGV.
Future Vision
The larger vision and goals of this agreement are to share knowledgeand research strategies and to develop webpages that describe thepartnership and share information. These Web pages woulddescribe German and American genealogy and would be written in Germanand English. They would be written from both the American and Germanperspective.

This Agreement of genealogy societies is designed to build apartnership relationship between them. The participants signing hereagree to actively participate in working together to build and supportthis partnership.

      \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                  \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                            \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                                    
                GGS \- KimAsford                      DAGV\-DirkWeissleder                           PRG \-James Neuenfeldt

            \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                  \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                           \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
        SGGS \- Ingeborg Carpenter                IGS \-Gordon Seyffer