Hello Sven,
Sorry, the photos are not mine. It was just a website I happened to
find and I thought people would like to see. I haven't any photos
myself, but perhaps I should start collecting:-)
I'm afraid the places you mention are quite far from me.
>Message: 4
>Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:59:05 +0100
>From: sven-fahrentholz@arcor.de
>Subject: Re: [OWP] Ost-preussen fotos
>To: OW-Preussen-L <ow-preussen-l@genealogy.net>
>Message-ID: <45EEEF59.1020001@arcor.de>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
>Hello Mr. Hill,
>do you have more photos from east- and west prussia?
>Especially from ZBLEWO (Hoch St�blau), STAROGARD, Kreis Preu�isch
>Stargard maybe?
>And how far away kilometers is your home town -Allenstein-, from
>Yours sincerely,
>Sven Fahrentholz from Germany
>Trev Hill schrieb:
> >