Ortsfamilienbuch query

Have been looking through people listing on CD Ortsfamilienbuch Berne and
come across 3 symbols that I am unaware of there meaning, can anyone tell me
the meaning of these. I am thinking about purchasing the CD but would
understand more if I know what the symbols represent.
First is the sideways 8 in front of surname, next is little u after
birthyear, and last little v after death year. Example below.

AHLERS(oo Bosch), Anna Cathrine (*1760u, +1801v)

Thanks for all your help.


oo means "marriage": she aquired the name Bosch trough marriage.
u = "um" = about, ca., roughly
v = "vor" = before


"Tantay" <tantay@dodo.com.au> schrieb: