Origin of YOERKE Family


I am hoping a native German might offer some clues as to where my
great-grandparents came from

in Germany. They settled in Philadelphia in 1881. Alwin YOERKE and his
wife Anna (Bauer) were in

their mid-twenties (both born mid 1850s) when they immigrated. Some family
thought Alwin was from

Bremen, and they thought Anna was from Regensburg. I could not find records
for Anna in the Regensburg

Archives. I cannot find them on any ship manifest.

Thanks for your help,

Betty Ann Tyson


YOERKE is not a German name. When you look at the German
Telephone directory you find only names starting with YOE
which are of probably Turkish origin.

But here the good news:
There are some 300 entries for JOERKE or JORKE. Did you
ever look for this name? I think it possible that JOERKE
(JORKE) became YOERKE in the US.

Diether Caspritz
from Schwalbach near Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Hello Betty,

I am hoping a native German might offer some clues as to where my
great-grandparents came from

in Germany. They settled in Philadelphia in 1881. Alwin YOERKE and his
wife Anna (Bauer) were in ...
maybe the right German name is "Goerke" or "Goercke", possibly written

with o-umlaut instead of "oe".

Nikolaus (Ordemann)