All, It looks like the records for the Diocese of Osnabrück will be uploaded to Matricula Wednesday. I know this is exciting and long awaited news for many of us. Some of us probably won't get much sleep in the coming week or two.
Let's try not to crash the server on the first day. Don -----Original Message-----
Liebe Familienforscherinnen und Familienforscher,
die Online-Stellung der Kirchenbücherndes Bistums Osnabrück auf Matricula ist für
Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019
Mit einem lachenden und einem weinendenAuge grüßt ganz herzlich
Das Team vom Bistumsarchiv
Sonja Drehlmann, Maria Rehnen, JoachimHerrmann und Georg Wilhelm
Maria Rehnen
Bischöfliches Generalvikariat
Kultur und Archiv
Bistumsarchiv OS
Große Domsfreiheit 10
49074 Osnabrück
Tel.: 0541 318-416
Fax.: 0541 318-333415
Herzlichen Dank für diese Nachricht! Ich suche für einen Freund den Herkunftsort seines Vorfahrs aus der Umgebung von Molbergen. Gehört das zum Bistum Osnabrück?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Donald —
I know nothing about this. Could you explain what this site is and who can access it?
Thank you.
Hi Carole, Matricula is a website which is posting the church books for many Catholic dioceses in Europe. I believe that they've published most or all of Austria and Luxembourg (just by eyeballing the map; I didn't check). They are now doing German dioceses. They have already done Oldenburg and published those earlier this year (Munster too, which corresponds to the Westphalia list). This allows people to access the church records from home instead of at the LDS Family History Centers on microfilm. Osnabruck is the neighboring diocese for Oldenburg, and many people, myself included, have ancestors who over generations would cross the line between the two dioceses (or maybe they just came from Osnabruck). The church books for the Osnabruck diocese were never microfilmed by the LDS, so the only way for an American to access them was to go to Germany and visit the archive or hire a local genealogist to do the same. I posted the notice below to both the Hannover (i.e., Osnabruck area) and Oldenburg list because I think there will be interest on both lists. Matricula is free. Lutheran church records are also available online at, but that is a pay website. I've posted the main link for Matricula below. Thanks,Don Home | Matricula Online -----Original Message-----
Hier fragte vor kurzer Zeit ein Gary nach KB IN Molbergen.
Die KB sind Online:
Besten Dank, Uli!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen