In this e-mail i saw the word Kaufman, is this a occupation? I have family
from Gsermany whose last name is KAUFMAN.
[Original Message]
From: <Wilfried.Petersen@t-online.de (Wilfried Petersen)>
To: Hannover-L <hannover-l@genealogy.net>
Date: 11/19/2004 1:30:42 PM
Subject: Re: [? IHN] One more church translation!<MyGenWeb@aol.com> schrieb:
> Can someone please translate this church record?> Des Gartners Beym H. Kaufman Schriever, Hermann Dreyers, Ehefrau
> Margaretha geb. Bermann ist am 14 den Jul. mit eine Tochter
niederkomen, welche
> d. 15 den getauft, undt genaunt worden Anna Juliana. Gehalten vom Anna
> Sophia Wassemans. 14 July 1765Hello Rchel,
"The wife of Hermann DREYER, gardener of the businessman (storekeeper?)
SCHRIEVER, Catharine Margaretha, n�e BERMANN, has given birth to a daughter
at 14 july, who is baptized the 15 july and named Anna Juliana. Hold by
(godmother) Anna Sophia WASSEMAN."