Edward Meyer schrieb:
My ancestors came from Hannover. On the original birth records for those
ancestors I have already traced the Ort is listed as Oldendorf. But
sometimes it is listed as H�sseringen.
I need this help.
(1) Which Oldendorf of several villages by that name would this be?
(2) Which parish has these church records?
(3) How would I obtain information from these church records.
The name in which I am especially interested is GRASSMANN. The father
(Christoph) and mother (Sophie, nee Meyer) and three children came to
America. The children were Heinrich, Fredericka, and Catherina.
Thanks in advance to any person able to supply information.
Edward H Meyer
Dear Edward H.Meyer,
I have to apologize for not yet inform about the up-to-now-results in your re-
search by my visit to the library of the Genealogical society Hamburg. I�m sorry,
but haven�t have yet the wished success. It maybe, that I have looked under the
wrong author and the wrong place in the catalogue, but couldn�t yet find back the
farm register made by Hillmer and Siebert. Back home again, I found that it might
be registered under "Suderburg" and not under "H�sseringen". Also a look around
through the books couldn�t bring it back to daylight. So it might even been lend
out. The next time I come around there in Hamburg, that will be the first thing I
will look for again. Promised !
From the other book of Hillmer, I told before: "Geschichte der Gemeinde Suder-
burg, Uelzen 1986" I can refer which places belong to the parish of Suderburg. On
the title the author names "Bahnsen, B�ddenstedt, Graulingen, Ha- merstorf,
H�sseringen, Holxen, Oldendorf I, R�ber" . From all this places people went to
one church, that one in Suderburg. In the church books was often mentioned from
which place inside or outside the "Kirchspiel" people were, if there was to make
an entry about marriage, birth or death. The searched Oldendorf will probably be
that "Oldendorf I". You willnot find it back on modern maps or as an own place
in modern registers, but on an old map. It seems as if it has become part of
Suderburg, because on the old map, scale 1:125.000 it looks as if there is no
space between the buildings of both places. From one end of one village to the
other end of the second place there are not more than one and a half kilometer.
You can find the map back as an addenda to: Helmke / Hohls: Der Speicher.
Heimatbuch f�r den Landkreis Celle, 1930, new print 1990 (ISBN 3 -87546-064 -2).
If one time the birth place is stated H�sseringen and then Oldendorf that will
mean that they moved inside the parish boundaries
So I think by that it is only one place you might get official information from
or about the parish entries, Suderburg. The Address is simply: " Evangelische
Kirche Suderburg, An der Kirche, 29556 Suderburg ". There is also a New Apostolic
church. But yours were Lutheran or is it unsure or wrong. Perhaps someone else
from the list knows if the Suderburg Churchbooks are filmed, available by the
Mormons or in the Hnnover statearchive.
So much for the moment Hans Peter Albers