Oldenburg Kolping Society

The following is a description of the Kolping Society as published in the
History of St Marien Church in Oythe, amt Vechta.

In 1846, Adolph Kolping, the Curate of the Cathedral in Cologne, founded a
journeymen association in Cologne. With papal blessing, the journeymen
associations spread in Europe and the USA. His associations got the name
"Kolpingfamilies"; they were something like alternative families for the traveling
journeymen. Kolping died 1865 and was buried in the Minoriten Church in Cologne.
His beatification was done 1991.

The organizations should be "Schools for life" for their members, about all
of the important areas of life. The Kolpingfamilie member sees himself as a
Roman Catholic, supporting the education and other facets of the community.
Primarily after 1945, the Kolpingwerk developed to a worldwide social
association, which is represented in more than 50 nations of the world. There are
380,000 members in more than 4200 local communities. In Germany, 270,000
members belong to 2800 Kolpingfamilies (1996). As a rule, the Kolpingfamilies
cooperate closely with the local parishes. Women and men of all age groups, of
all professions and life situations are welcomed.
In 1989, the Oythe Kolpingfamilie could look back on their 40 years of
existence; the organization was established on March 17, 1949 when 31 young men
joined the Kolpingfamilie. The first Ecclesiastical Chairman was Minister
Holzenkamp, who, today, is still remembered in Oythe. At that time, protocols
were expressed to strengthen interest in religious, professional, social and
political questions. The sons of Kolping also provided assistance with the
renovations and construction.
Since December 6, 1971, women have been included in the Kolpingfamilie.
At the end of 1971, for health reasons, Minister Holzenkamp resigned his
office as Ecclesiastical Chairman. The new minister of Oythe, Josef Draude, then
became the Ecclesiastical Chairman. The number of the members increased
until today there are 200 members.
Today, the Kolpingfamilie is organized into three age groups:
- Youth Kolping (14 to 18 years)
- Young adult (18 to 30 years)
- Adult (from 30years)

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