Dear listmembers,
Hi, Johan
As far as I know in 1602 the "Verenigde Oostindie Compagnie" (VOC) was founded and lots of German hired to this Company to work there. An additional reason for being there was that colonies in Eastern India (today: Indonesia,) were founded and some of them went there to live there too.
I´m not sure but I think in 1798 the "Golden Age" of VOC ended.
Many people from Germany, also from the Oldenburg region worked there too. You can see it on the website
Best regards
Lothar Grafe
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
I am researching for; Grafe-Rensen-Thien-Nienaber-Kuhlmann-Bahlmann-Wesselmann-Westerkamp-Frye-Frieling-Grave-Klünemann-Hoyer-Averbeck-Jaspers-Vorwerk-Brinkmann-Ostendorf-Wübbelmann-(they all come from the area; Cloppenburg-Emstek-Molbergen-Vestrup-Bakum_Langförden)
Some of my family members in Wiefelstede have the surname "zu Horn." When
I traced one of them back, I found someone whose birthplace was given as
An internet search got me this line, "Burg Horn, eine mittelalterliche
Ministrialenburg im Ammerland," but nothing further.
Can anyone tell me anything further about Horn? Where is/was it? Does it
still exist?
Thank you,
Hallo Marilyn,
I fond this on google. Maybe a short step ...
Horn abgegangene Burg Erhalten:
a.. nichts
Ort und Lage:
a.. 26215 Wiefelstede-Gristede
a.. bei Gristede
a.. erbaut: Ende 13.Jh.
a.. (Z) 1641 Abbruch des Bergfrieds
a.. Ritter Muhle
(ehem.) Besitzer:
a.. Ritter von Westerholt (15.Jh.)
a.. Junker von Bilsky (1707)
a.. von Vahrendorff (1741-49)
a.. Familie Ovie (1792)
so long
Hallo Marilyn,
here a short translation:
Burg Horn was a castle close by
Gristede in the district Ammerland.
Today it is a manor.
It was build at the end of the century
The castle-ruin was degradet 1641.
Inmate of the castle was:
- The builder knight Mule
(alumnus) owners of the castle and later of the manor:
- Ritter (knight) von Westerholt (15.Jh.)
- Junker (squire) von Bilsky (1707)
- von Vahrendorff (1741-49)
- Familie Ovie (1792)
Further intresting Informations you will find here:
so long
Joachim Ostendorf
a.. bei Gristede
a.. erbaut: Ende 13.Jh.
a.. (Z) 1641 Abbruch des Bergfrieds
a.. Ritter Muhle
(ehem.) Besitzer:
a.. Ritter von Westerholt (15.Jh.)
a.. Junker von Bilsky (1707)
a.. von Vahrendorff (1741-49)
a.. Familie Ovie (1792)
Good morning, Joachim, and Thank you!!!
That is exactly what I was looking for.
there is still "Gut Horn", a manor, at Gristede, see:
You will find something about the house's history, too.
<> schrieb:
Thanks so much, Heiko! What a beautiful place!
A HUGE "Thank You" to G�nter Oltmanns and any and all others who created
the Wiefelstede CD! It arrived two weeks ago.
I have now outlined the numbers of all the Family Units who are my
relatives. Some 980 Family Units are my relatives, so you can see why I'm
But there's more. The CD answered questions I've had for years about the
origins of two other large Stullken/Stulken families in the US. Both of
them are also on the CD, though I've found no connections between our
families as yet. That leaves only one small Stulken family in the US for
which I have not accounted.
Thanks again!
Marilyn Stulken
Question: Is there a CD of Bockhorn's records planned? 
Best wishes,
Marilyn Stulken