Old Photographs

Dear List--

My grandfather, Otto Berger, born 1877,came to America from Braunschweig,
Holzminden, Germany in early 1900. He came on business to New York City--his
family in Germany was in the knitting business. He married my grandmother, Clara
Holstein, born 1885, who had come over with relatives (they were in the
knitting business) in 1903. My father, (John) Otto Berger was born 1905, however my
grandfather's family did not approve of the marriage (Clara was from a
Catholic orphanage in Dusseldorf)--I believe the Bergers were Lutherian. The
marriage was annuled in Germany; although my grandfather died in New Jersey in 1929.
My father was an only child and he died in 1970.

Question: We have many photographs sent from Germany in 1907 taken in the
studio of Otto Liebert--seals stamped Braunschweig; Herzogtum(?); Holzminden
1881; and address given as Holzminden A/W Hoxter und Driburg. In 1970's we were
told this photography business was still in the same family and we were one of
three Bergers in that area. Does any one know if Otto Liebert Studio is
still in business?
We also believed that the town my ancestors lived in was located "behind the
Iron Curtain"--East Germany. Might this be right?

After reading the book: "Prussia, the Vanished Kingdom" I wonder if any of
my relatives might have survived.

Also my grandmother (Clara Holstein) came over with a family -- Kuhlen --
cannot find anything about these people--could there be a different spelling??

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Captruro@aol.com schrieb:

Dear List--

My grandfather, Otto Berger, born 1877,came to America from Braunschweig,
Holzminden, Germany in early 1900.

You gave two town-names and the country Germany. Which town was the last home-
town. The distance betwen both is over hundred, may be even 150 kilomters. So
their no possibility of belonging to the same parish or local administration.

He came on business to New York City--his family in Germany was in the knitting
business. He married my grandmother, Clara Holstein, born 1885, who had come
over with relatives (they were in the knitting business) in 1903. My father,
(John) Otto Berger was born 1905, however my grandfather's family did not
approve of the marriage (Clara was from a Catholic orphanage in Dusseldorf)--I
believe the Bergers were Lutherian. The marriage was annuled in Germany;
although my grandfather died in New Jersey in 1929. My father was an only >

child and he died in 1970.

The otherway round were usually the greater religious problems by marriaging. The
Catholic Church was that one who did not like their people get married to other
religions and did always a lot to make the different partner change his religion.
So I would look also for other reasons for seperation and divorce.

Question: We have many photographs sent from Germany in 1907 taken in the
studio of Otto Liebert--seals stamped Braunschweig; Herzogtum(?); Holzminden
1881; and address given as Holzminden A/W Hoxter und Driburg. In 1970's we
were told this photography business was still in the same family and we were
one of three Bergers in that area. Does any one know if Otto Liebert Studio
s still in business?

I found in 1995 a Thomas Liebig Fotostudio, Linnestr.5, 38106 Braunschweig. The
actual status should be found on www.telephonbuch.de

We also believed that the town my ancestors lived in was located "behind the
Iron Curtain"--East Germany. Might this be right?

As far as one of the told towns Braunschweig and Holzminden is meant, both had
been in the BRD, means on the westside.

After reading the book: "Prussia, the Vanished Kingdom" I wonder if any of
my relatives might have survived.

As the kingdom in Germany as a ruling might ended in 1919, what is about 84
years, a man's age, it becomes more and more uncertain. But not knowing the book
I think you have special histories in mind. In most cases there can be found
relatives, if one goes back far enough and forward again in genealogies. Having a
seldom name the possibility by doing a call to a brother-in-name to be lucky is
of course a good one. Unfortunately all told names of yours are not to seldom. So
you should start your research with the given places and dates of your documents
in the local town archives and administrations.

Also my grandmother (Clara Holstein) came over with a family -- Kuhlen --
cannot find anything about these people--could there be a different spelling??

The bearers of the name "Kuhlen" lived in 1995 mostly in the county North-Rhine-
Westfalia with extremely high concentration in spread in the town M�nchengladbach
and a about 20 times smaller one also in D�sseldorf.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck on all your ways Hans Peter Albers