Hello everyone.
I have run across a notation in a record in the St. Andreas church
book that I have not seen before in any of the other records. It is
the use of the word "genant."
Could I scan someone the record?
It appears in the second marriage (in 1754) for the man whom I
believe to be my ancestor, Joes: Otto Darenkamp. The word "genant"
appears several times in this record -- but not in any of the other
records on the page so far as I can tell. It appears in connection
with the bride.
I have not been able to find a baptism for a later ancestor (possibly
this man's son -- supposed to have been born in 1759) yet all of my
other family records are here. This record might tell me why I cannot
find the son.
In the Thode book, "gennant" means "in reference to." I could not find
"genant" (with one "n") in the Thode book.
Hello Mrs. 97,
The "genannt" of Ernest Thode is the same as the "genant" in the St. Andreas
records. I would translate it to "also known as" (aka), "called", "alias".
It refers to name changes. Those might occur when a girl inherited a farm and
her husband had to adapt to the farm name, a "normal" procedure in the region
well into the 20th century. It is still possible to do so if a farm name would
die out otherwise. You could also find it in Latin as "sive" or "condictus,
condicta" or abbreviated "cdct." and the initial "c" mirrored to indicate that
is is an abbreviation.
That name change would occur as well when you inherited or bought a farm.
I grew up in a small village where everyone had an everyday name and a "school"
or "bureaucracy name". The everyday name was the farm name such as "Greten,
Orns, Dietz, Loames, Sander, Hensel" etc.
Sincerely yours
Falk Liebezeit
Buffys97 schrieb:
Buffy, don't worry about the spelling. The word literally
means 'called' or 'otherwise known as'. Ie Joe Blow known
as Mean Harry. 
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