Hi, I recently found a genealogy on one of my relatives from Oldenburg. Unfortunetly it's in Dutch. This is the first time I've even looked at Dutch. I've tried to translate it the best I could, but if I'm wrong it would throw everything off. There are a couple of things I'm not sure of and have left blank. Would someone be willing to take a look at it and let me know if it's correct, and maybe fill in the blanks? I could post it or I could email it to you. Let me know.
Hello Joanne,
I,m Dutch so you can send it to me iff you like directly to
greetings Betty Krull
"j. wisniewski" schreef:
Hi Joanne,
I'll be glad to help you with the translation from Dutch in English .
Just send the info to me by e-mail.
Jos Bahlmann Gouda NL
Hallo Jos,
Als jij het wil doen dan graag , want ik ga volgende week op vakantie en heb
nog wel wat voor te bereiden.
groeten Betty Krull
"j.g.m.bahlmann" schreef:
I can do the translation dutch/english german/english if necessary.