[OL]Theodor Taphorn Rotterdam/Netherland

Can somebody help for research in Netherland? Is Betty Krull still on this list?

I search Theodor Taphorn from Cloppenburg/Oldenburg.

He came back from the States about 1882 to the family in Cloppenburg or Lohne.

After this he went as a trademan to Rotterdam. Thats all what we have.

How can I find where he lived?

Werner Honkomp--------------------------------------------------
Werner Honkomp werner.honkomp@t-online.de
Ziegelhofstr. 35b www.honkomp.de
26121 Oldenburg Tel: 0441-87230, Fax: 0441-883499

I am not in a position to do some research, but according to the telephonebook:
there is a bakery(backerei) M. Taphoorn in Rotterdam, 0031 10 4195085
And a family M.F.G. Taphoorn in Mijnsheerenland, close to Rotterdam. 0031 186 604090

Success, Ben Koeleman (Kuhlmann).

Werner Honkomp wrote:

I found two Taphorn's but not in Rotterdam.
This was just a quick look.
I will post your question on a dutch bulletin board.

Bron: Burgerlijke stand - huwelijk (Bruidegom)

      Archieflocatie: Friesland
      Toegangnr: 30-12
      Inventarisnr: 2017
      Gemeente: Franeker
      Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
      Nummer: 60

Hallo Werner,
Ich bin nog in Die liste!!
Aber Rotterdam, ist zu weit f�r mich.
In Die L�ninger Kirchb�cher so ergentwo zwissen 1850-1875 war auch ein Taphorn Ich dachte ein Frau,herkomend von Cloppenburg, Ich kann Dir die daten mal zuschicken.
Liebe Gr�sse Betty

Werner Honkomp wrote: