Hello--I am trying to find out information on a Johann Heinrich Taphorn born 30-7-1841, son of Gerhard Heinrich & A. Elis. Hogemann, married 20------2-1840. Gerhard was the son of Johann Hermann Heinrich Taphorn who married twice 1. to Cath. Gertrud Stegemann and 2. to A. cAth. Elis. Echtermann.
I have to Johann Heinrich Taphorns both call themselves Henry Taphorn. The other one I have said he was born 5-1-1841 but no one can find any ancestors on him. The one born on 7-30-1841 came to US on the ship Schiller. We are presently trying to find out when Gerhard Heinrich came to US and on what ship. We need to know the names of the wife and children of the descendants of Johann Heinrich Taphorn born 7-30-1841. We have complete information on the Henry Taphorn that said he was born May 1, 1841. I will be glad to trade any information and thank anyone who send me information
Velma L. Schonder
Do you know the town or district in Oldenburg where the Taphorns lived? I
have found the Taphorn surname in my research for my NIEHAUS ancestors iin
Neuenkirchen, Amt Damme, Kreis Vechta, Oldenburg.
For help you need to state the location of their source town or tell us you
do not know.
I understand they lived in Dinklage, Oldenburg, Germany
Hello Bob,
I believe we have three different Taphorn, Tappehorn branches in our area.
The origin of the biggest family is Dinklage-Höne, the next is Cloppenburg-Lankum and than a smaller family lived in Neuenkirchen/Vörden area. I believe this families are not releated.
Werner Honkomp
Werner Honkomp is an expert genealogist in the Oldenburg area. His e-mail
to our list gives three locations for Taphorns in Oldenburg.
If you do wish to pursue records on your Taphorns you can search for
microfilm rentals of church records for Dinlage churches (you need to know
if Catholic, Lutheran or Reformed) from LDS Church in their U.S. Family
History Center near you or on-line from LDS.