I do not read German, but noticed the name Hinrichs, Almeth in your list. My
great grandfather Edo Iken Henrichs came from Oldenburg to Texas (to an area
northwest of Houston), apparently, in 1857. I am seeking information about
him--if anyone on the list might have any suggestions. His death record at
the Lutheran church here in Texas lists his birthplace as Oldenburg, Prussia;
however, I have been told that Oldenburg was never part of Prussia, so I am
uncertain about even this. Others have suggested, because of his given names,
that he must have been from Ostfriesland.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Helen Durham
HINRICHS, Almeth, geb. in Ohrwege (Zwischenahn) um 1595, heiratet
Zwischenahn 17. 09. 1657
In a message dated 12/25/02 5:18:18 AM, oldenburg-l-request@genealogy.net