Is the Osnabrueck, Wallenhorst-Rulle area considered to be in what is called Oldenburg? My ancestors come from that area.
Is the Osnabrueck, Wallenhorst-Rulle area considered to be in what is called Oldenburg? My ancestors come from that area.
Hi, Mrs. Allison,
no, Osnabrueck and Wallenhorst-Rulle belonged in
former times to the Kingdom of HANNOVER.
To the Dukedom of OLDENBURG belonged the cities
Oldenburg, and the "counties" of Cloppenburg and
Vechta for example.
I hope I could clear up your questions.
Finally I want to recommend you our website (I am a
member of this communitiy called "Arbeitskreis
Osnabr�cker Familienforschung"). The URL is:
You can put in your requests concerning your
Lothar Grafe from Osnabr�ck, Lower Saxony, Germany
Hi Lothar,
Thanks for answering my question. I wasn't sure if it was Hannover or
Oldenburg. Is the site you recommend in English? Unfortunately I do not
understand German. Sad considering I am 99% German descent.
Researching surnames of: Wahmhoff - Braun (Brown) - Schoknecht -Eiserman -
Rohrer - Spielman - Shoup - Dieffenbach (Deffenbaugh)
Hi, Mrs. Allison,
you asked if the site is in English, no it isn�t yet,
but you can put in your request in English too.
Most of our members are able to understand and read
English (the younger members of us).
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2003
Lothar Grafe from Osnabr�ck, Lower Saxony, Germany