Discovered a photo of my great grandfather Gustav Gottlieb Manthey - Abt
1850-1930. The inscription on the back of the photo says "Mein Vater 1914
Soldat in Oldenburg". Translated that means "My father 1914 Soldier in
Oldenburg". Was there is local militia at that time? Or was there a
military base still active? Is it possible to tell by the uniform? He has
a sword but no insignia is visible. Is there a listing of names of the
military units, etc. that I could look up records for?
Marlies E. McNicol
researching Bartels, Manthey, Babiel and Schumacher
Discovered a photo of my great grandfather Gustav Gottlieb Manthey -
Abt 1850-1930. The inscription on the back of the photo says "Mein
Vater 1914 Soldat in Oldenburg". Translated that means "My father
1914 Soldier in Oldenburg". Was there is local militia at that time?
Or was there a military base still active? Is it possible to tell by
the uniform? He has a sword but no insignia is visible. Is there a
listing of names of the military units, etc. that I could look up
records for?
I would suspect that he served in the 91st Oldenburger Infantry
Regiment. See:
4788 Corian Court
Naples, FL 34114
941-775-7838; 239-269-4781 (cell)
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the
world walks out."
Liebe Marlies,
ein Gro�teil von Soldaten aus Oldenburg diente auch im
Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 79 III./sp�ter 440. Besteht die M�glichkeit,
eine Abbildung im Internet zu sehen?
Ist bekannt, an welchen Schlachten der Gesuchte teilgenommen hat?
Ich werde in den n�chsten Tagen in der Regimentsgeschichte nachsehen.
Bis dann
mit herzlichen Gr��en,
Hello Marlies,
the Oldenburg garrison before the First World War was composed of the
Infantry Regiment No. 91, the Dragoons Regiment No. 19 and one detachment of
the East Frisian Artillery Regiment No. 62.
Kind regards
Dr. Joachim Tautz
Masurenstr. 17 c
26127 Oldenburg
Hallo Joachim,
Hello Marlies,
the Oldenburg garrison before the First World War was composed
of the Infantry Regiment No. 91, ...
das ist interessant! Hat die 91er Str. in Oldenburg daher wohl ihren
Thomas Wenzel
Hallo Thomas,
die 91er Stra�e in Oldenburg wurde 1936 nach dem Infanterie-Regiment 91.
Vorher geh�rte dieser Stra�enzug zum Pferdemarkt.