[OL]Migrations from Germany to U.S.A in the past

My name is Simon Bob GLAUBERG. I was born in Frankfurt and my family was from Langenselbold and Gelnhausen : 2 villages not far from Frankfurt.

I have already family in U.S.A, but I know that other ones have left Germany for U.S.A. on differnet dates.

Have read with interest y/"Passenger List - Burgermeister Smidt, Oct 25,1834" It contains names of emigrated people from Germany to the U.S.A., but I suppose that other similar lists exist. Have you such lists ? or could you give us some recommendations to find them ?

Some GLAUBERG emigrated from 1840 to 1920 or more
Some JOSEPH (family name) from 1869 and after. Specialy one :

Feist or Fred JOSEPH who left HAMBURG about on october 5th 1869. He was the father of my grandmother.

Could you help me ? and specially with the GLAUBERG's

(In the list of the "Burgermeister Smidt" were some people from Glauberg. But this is the name of a village from which my ancestors have chosed the name.)

In advance, thanks a lot for y/help