
The information I have is spoty, I have the most recent couple of generations, as well as a little information about where they come from. This is what I know
They were catholic
They lived in or near Schwagstorf Germany
The owned a small estate reffered to as "Menken Lubbert" or "schwagsdorf No 7"
The estate was across the street form St. Bartholomwe catholic church
They may have migrated about 1854, to iowa
And one Anna Helena Menken Heires of the "Menken Lubbert" married was on 1-15-1704 to one Andreas Fenneman, and he took her last name.

If you can help me I'd really appricate it.

Thanks So Much
Mandy Howard

Hi Mandy,

I found in a list of emigrants some Menke's from Schwagstorf:

(name) / (born) / (emigrated)
[1]Menke, Johann Henrich Gerd / ? / -
married to Mertens, Maria Anna / ? / -
child of [1]Johann Henrich Gerd and Maria Anna:
[2]Menke, Johann Ged Henrich / 29 May 1814 in Hollenstede / Aug. 1846
- - -
[3]Menke, Johann Gerd / ? / -
married to Timmer, Maria Gertrud / ? / -
children of [3]Johann Gerd and Maria Gertrud:
[4]Menke, Maria Catharina / 8 Oct. 1820 in Hollenstede / 13 Oct. 1842
(16 Aug. 1842 married to Br�wer, Gerd Henrich / 25 April 1815 / 13 Oct 1842)
[5]Menke, Maria Gesina / 1 April 1827 / 1 Sept. 1959
- - -
[6]Menke, Johann Henrich Dirk / ? / -
married to Schnirren, Maria Catharina / ? / -
child of [6]Johann Henrich Dirk and Maria Catharina:
[7]Menke, Marg. Maria Adelheid / 27 June 1802 in Schwagstorf / 1854
married to T�ben, Gerd Herm / 23 Aug 1794 in Kellinghausen / 1854
children of [7]Marg. Maria Adelheid and Gerd Herm:
[8]Menke, Maria Adelheid / 30 July 1826 in Schwagstorf / Sept. 1852
(married to Gr�ne, Caspar Herm Henrich / 21 July 1813 in Schwagstorf / Sept.
[9]Menke, Johann Dirk / 7 Oct. 1828 in Schwagstorf / 1854
(16 Aug. 1854 married to Kruse, Maria Bern. Christ. / 21 May 1830 in
Neuenkirchen / 1854)
[10]Menke, Maria Elisabeth / 4 Dec. 1830 in Schwagstorf / 17 Sept. 1848
[11]Menke, Maria Gertrud / 26 Dec. 1839 in Schwagstorf / 1854
- - -
[12]Menke, Hel. Maria / ? / -
married to Athmer, Johann Henrich / ? / -
- - -
[13]Menken, Anna Maria Catharina Marg. / ? / -
married to von der Haar, Johann Gerd Henrich / ? / -
- - -
[14]Menken, Maria Elisabeth / ? / -
married to Hartke, Johann Gerd / ? / -
- - -
[15]Menke, Johann Lambert / ? / -
married to Wesselherm, Anna Maria Elisabeth / ? / -

... and in my own database:

(name) / (born) / (died)
[16]Mencken, Henrich / 1683 / Jan. 1749
13 Febr. 1703 married to Wessels, Thabitta / ? / ?
child of [16]Henrich and Thabitta:
[17]Mencken, Anna Margaretha / baptized 1 Jan. 1708 in Schwagstorf / buried 9
June 1760)
- - -
[18]Menken, Maria Catharina / 24 Nov. 1809 / ?
(She is another child of [6]Johann Henrich Dirk Menke and Maria Catharina
29 April 1840 married to von der Haar, Bernard Henrich / 18 Dec. 1809 / 11 Aug.

Kellinghausen is still part of Schwagstorf, Hollenstede belonged to the parish
Schwagstorf until 1920. Schwagstorf is since abt. 1970 part of the town

Let me know if you find any connections.

Franz Felschen