[OL]Josef Friedrich WITTE

In a message dated 7/6/01 "Scott Witte" <sjwitte@worldnet.att.net> is quoted

<< Witte, Josef Friedrich, Heuermann in Hagen, 1844 Kötter in 'vor dem Moore'

I found the birth record for this person in Oythe. The church's name is
Beatae Mariae Virginis. He was named Fridericus Josephus Maria, born 18 Nov
The parents were the same as you stated.
These parents also had Rosina Ferdinandina Maria Tecla, b. 25 Sep 1783 and
died 5 Dec 1851. They also had Maria Elisabeth Friderica 4 Aug 1785.

If you have LDS films available, the number is 0896395.

Nancy Pundsack

Thanks Nancy!

Does anyone know what "K�tter in vor dem Moore" means in English?