[OL]Hinnenkamp History

Does any one have information on the family of
Bernard (possibly John Bernard) and Catharina
Maria (Uphous) Hinnenkamp.
Birthdates unknown but they may have been
married in 1840 or 1841 in Hannover. I think they
had 7 children - 6 sons and a daughter.

I believe their first child was Bernard Theodor,
born 5-8-1843 in Hannover.
Have a marriage date for him of 2-4-1880 - Damme-Neuenkirchen.
Bernard Theodor immigrated to the United States
approx. 1882.
I would appreciate any information.

Dorine Nowak
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Dorine - Many families from Damme settled in St. Bernard (near
Cincinnati), Ohio. There are still Hinnenkamp's in St. Bernard today.
I do not know if there is any connection with the Hinnenkamp that you
are searching for, but I suggest you take a look in this region.

Lee Mairose
Cincinnati, Ohio


have you checked the Damme church records?
The old farm of Hinnenkamp is located in parish Damme, just on the border to parish Neuenkirchen.


if they married in the Kingdom of Hannover, then could it be the parish Vörden.
The origin of the names Hinnenkamp and Uphus is Damme (in Oldenburg), but the place Damme-Hinnenkamp is located just on the border to Vörden (former in Hannover).
You should check the LSD church register of the catholic parish Vörden.