Has anybody heard something from Father Mauri Hawickhorst?
I wrote few times to him in Brasilia but without answer. Have he changed the address?
Thank you,
Werner Honkomp
Dear Werner and a few more who maybe wonder what happened to me,
Mostly I just got a little lazier than usual. Many times I thought
of getting another request for ancesors out to the net but never got around
to it. I was in the States for three months and naturally had all sorts of
time to write but vacation is vacation, right. I�m not anything like Fred
Rump who even helps all of us even when is someplace between Florida and
Jersey. And we do have a good number of problems here in �bidos in Brazil.
�bidos is about 1000 km up the Amazon and no local Internet service.. Our
Internet is by interurban phone call to Santar�m, about 120 km from here,
and that does create dificulties at times. I think it was in March that we
had no service for a month, telephone but the phone system would not handle
Internet for some reason or the other. The same thing for about three
weeks from Nov 11th. And now the same. I got your letter Thursday but when
I tried to get onto Internet again later in the day, no luck and nothing
till now. I�m writing this Saturday afternoon, Nov 29 and will put it in
the Send Box. Let�s see when it goes.
Thanks to all of you faithful who are willing to spend a lot of
time helping all the amateur genealogists.
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2004. May the Christ-child help all of
us to better brothers to one another.
Fr. Maurie Hawickhorst, ofm
Family Names that are included in our Family Tree.
Barlage Bekebrock Beverburg Beymoor Boeckers Bokern Braegel Branlage Brogel
Buckeole Calvelage Cruempelmann Dieckman Dinkgreve Dinkgrevesche Dultmeyer
Eggerman Evers Fleck Friehling Gerdhabing
Gerding Habing Hackstedt Hagestette Hawickhorst Hellebusch Hermrolfes
Hoedebecke Hoenkamp Hoenkamp Hoinkomp H�lterman Holthaus Honkomp
Hopmann Hoppe Ivercamp Jansen Johans Kaetmann Klocker Korfage Krimpelfort
Krogman Kruempelmann Laufer L�bbecken Meerman Meyer Minckenberg Mohre Moore
Morman Niehaus Nieman Nienkerken Nordlohne
Nortloh Nortlohn Orde Ovelg�nne Pohlmann Purhorn P�ttman Quade Quatmann
Rebel Reitman Roleffs Ruewe R�ve Sander Sandman Sandt
Schulte Sieverding Stukerborg St�ve Taphorn Thamann Thole Tieman
Tombroegel Trineke Uptmor Viek von der Heide Vortman Waschefort
Wenstrup Wichelman Willenbring Windhaus Zerhusen
Hello Fr. Maurie,
it is good the hear that you are in good health. I reveived your message on Monday, December 01, 2003, it needed 2 days!
A friend of Cloppenburg ask me for help to find family members in Brazil. This family is lost since few years and nobody have an idea where this family live in Brazil. Is there an online phone register?
The surname for search is: Landwehr
Have you an idea?
Thank you,
Werner Honkomp
PS: Greetings also from my wife Rita
Hello Fr. Maurie,
I'm again!
A friend of Cloppenburg ask me for help to find family members in Brazil. This family is lost since few years and nobody have an idea where this family live in Brazil. Is there an online phone register?
The surname for search is: Landwehr
Here some additions:
Emigrated after 1930 from Germany:
Josef August Landwehr * 1897 in Mintewede, + 1979 in Novo Hamburgo / Brasilien,
with his wife Maria Luise Suing *1899 in Oldenburg, + 1978 in Rolante / Brasilien.
They had two children, Maria and Josef Landwehr. Place and date of birth unknown.
Have you an idea?
Thank you,
Werner Honkomp
Hi Fr Maurie
Looking at your list of family names on your family tree I found one name
that is also in my
I have a Anna Maria Niehaus born on November 24, 1771 to Johann Henrich
Niehaus and Anna Dorothea Nurrenberens. She married John Bernard VonDrele
on November23, 1796. She died on July 14,1837 I think in Neuenkircken
Do you have any relatives of this that you know in your family tree?
Merry Christmas
Hello Bill,
the origin of the Niehaus (older spelling Niehues)folk is a big farm in Damme-Holte (159 hectare). Located on the street between Steinfeld and Damme in the Damme-Hills, the place called Nienhausen. First notice: 1240 mansus Lutberti Nienhausen.
The last owner was Colon Martin Niehaus (or Niehues). He was a drinker and must sold the farm 1881 to Ferdinand Zerhusen, Lohne. After that he emigrated to the States. His children were taken by the brothers and sisters. At this time his wife was died some years ago.
The NIEHAUS famil mrmbers you list are also mine. The dates are the same
that I obtained from a German friend in Neuenkirchen in 1999 when visiting
there. I can share my info with you, but you may already have it. Let me
God's blessings at Christmas.
bob Niehaus
The information I gave on Niehaus is all I have on that line of my family
tree. I would love any information you can give me. I have my information
on Family Tree Maker if that would help. Any information I can give you in
return I would be more than happy to.
Merry Christmas
Any connection to Johann Heinrich Niehaus, born September 1, 1809 in
Borringhausen or to Angela Niehaus (no date of birth), but married
Johann Heinrich Enneking on July 10, 1792 in Damme?
Lee Mairose
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lee Mairose,
Sorry, Lee, but your Joseph Heinrich NIEHAUS b 1 Sept. 1809 or Angela
NIEHAUS, married Johann H. Enneking, 1792 are not in my NIEHAUS family
Hello Lee,
do you know this Mairose-Website in Germany: http://www.daniel-mairose.de/index.html
Then click "Ahnenforschung"
Hello Werner,
I do not know this website. Thank you.
What is the location of St.Victor's?
I have not made the Damme-Lohne Mairose connection. The earliest
Mairose that I have good records for is Johann Gerhard Christopher
Heinrich Meyerose of Hutteburg who died in Damme on January 28, 1854.
His spouse was Maria Agnes Dyckhues. His son, Frank N. came to
Cincinnati about 1872. In Cincinnati, he married Mary Agnes Piening of
Damme. The spelling then was Mairose. His brother Joseph was Meirose.
Lee Mairose
Hello Lee,
St.Victor is the catholic church of the parish Damme, located in the town of Damme.
Hunteburg is located easterly from Damme in the former Kingdom of Hannover (lutherans).
I sent a copy to Daniel Mairose, maybe he make contact with you.
I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Werner Honkomp, Oldenburg
I am a little bit confused about all the 'list changes' e-mails.
Getting your e-email, may I assume that I am still connected
with the Oldenburg list in the correct way?
Werner Honkomp wrote:
Hello Ben,
yes, the oldenburg list worked well and I received your mail, also the others list members.