
I was in the Oldenburg State Archive today and I looked into a file listing
permissions to leave the country. There was only 1 'Buesing' who comes close
in name and age to the one you are looking for:
1.Diedrich Wilhelm (William) Elimar Buesing, born April 20, 1867 in
Esenshamm. He intended to go to Illinois in 1882.

But above list is by no means exhaustive.
Gerold Diers

I was in the Oldenburg State Archive today and I looked into a file


permissions to leave the country. There was only 1 'Buesing' who comes


in name and age to the one you are looking for:
1.Diedrich Wilhelm (William) Elimar Buesing, born April 20, 1867 in
Esenshamm. He intended to go to Illinois in 1882.

But above list is by no means exhaustive.
Gerold Diers

Hi Gerold,
I hope you will not think I'm intruding, but could you please look in the
permissions to leave the country for a family by the name of Meyer? I'm
looking for the name of my grandfather's parents. they came to the USA about
the mid 1800's, there would be the father and mother, a son (my grandfather)
Frederick who would be a teenager and a daughter Johanna. A aunt told me my
grandfather came to this country to escape the German army and he had to
swim out to the ship to leave. Any help you can give will be appreciated. My
grandfather was born Nov. 8, 1848 and Johanna was born Sept. 18, 1846 in
Oldenburg-Hamburg, Germany. Thank you ever so much.
